Here is a bit from this weeks SHS We Succeed Weekly: A few more - TopicsExpress


Here is a bit from this weeks SHS We Succeed Weekly: A few more things… o I found an article from Simon Sinek from back in 2011. It is about rules. Instead of summarining it for you…here it is: You Are Allowed Most organizations (even society) publish a set of rules to guide how they want their people to act inside the organization. More often than not, most of these rules tell us what not to do. Dont lie. Dont steal. Dont use the copy machine after 8pm. Dont use company resources for personal use. I think offering a set of rules is a good thing - they help maintain order inside an organization. Understanding the value of such guidance, I recently issued a set of rules to my team. But theres a catch. In our organization, there will be no rules to tell us what not to do. Rules that tell us what not to do hold people back. Instead the rules should help push people forward. In our group, the rules consist of a list of the things that are allowed. Its called the Allowed List, and this is what it says. You are allowed to: 1. Make the decision you think is the right decision to make 2. Start something that needs to be started to help advance the cause 3. Ask for help whenever you want it 4. Help others whenever you can (even if they don’t ask for it) 5. Take time off to do something that inspires, excites and energizes you Everyone is expected to follow these rules and everyone is expected to hold the others accountable to them. After all, if we didnt follow the rules...thered be chaos. I really like the idea of creating a set of rules for what we should do. This will be a future endeavor of ours…so start thinking about what our “rules” should be! o Right now, the 1199 is gaining momentum. Listen to some of the highlights! We are receiving a major grant from International Paper to complete another one of our vision goals; OneLife Church is planning the 2nd Annual Love Banquet; the Surge is back; an application is being completed to become a National Model school for the 5th year in a row; research on happiness is being put into action on a weekly basis; and a major announcement is coming regarding another vision goal in the near future! This is what happens when you have big goals and are willing to see things differently. People want to be a part of an exciting but viable vision. We provide that! Who benefits? Our students! Let’s keep the momentum rolling! o Last week, I started something new. It is called the #incrediblepersonofthedayselfie! This is a quick way that I can identify someone going above and beyond and share their pic on social media! If I ask for you to be a part of a selfie with me…smile and say cheese. That means you are doing an incredible job! o Finally, I loved our trip to see “Unbroken” as a team last week! As we move forward into the most important winter and spring in SHS history…committing to the “1199 Belief Model” is a must. That model states that our success (in reaching our goals) depends on an incredible belief in our ability to do so. Seeing this moving movie provided a real-life and sometimes shocking reminder of what people are capable of doing if they believe. I asked all movie-goer’s to connect the movie to our current situation and all of had different answers. That’s perfect. That’s a team! My take was what I hoped it was…everything begins and ends with belief! Louie Z. showed us what was possible! We can never think that being a team is defined by wearing the same shirts. It is about committing to a goal and seeing it through to the end. That process starts with belief. Pay attention because we will continue to study the power of belief!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:34:35 +0000

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