Here is a blog I did recently on the history of life & the 5 mas - TopicsExpress


Here is a blog I did recently on the history of life & the 5 mas extinctions. And a bit about the possible to avoid 6th! Of the 5 mass extinctions, (detailed below) created from asteroids, or super volcanoes, 4 of them resulted in rapid climate change wiping out most of the plant & animal life...I list 5 of them, as we are creating a 6th each day we continue to not seek out & utilize our knowledge & stop using fossil fuels & other processes that cause damage to the Earths eco-system. We now approach the 6th, this one caused by Man & the industrial revolution of the 1800s as it has been plotted by science using arctic ice cores which trapped & holds bubbles of the air of the time those snows fell, allowing us to see the carbon gas ratio back to the ice ages & up to modern times. The difference now is we can avoid our date with extinction, but only if we force science to help us. Big Money doesnt care about these facts, but I do. It is now indisputable that this is the cause for Global Climate change (not weather change, as weather is erratic, short term)....once Carbon reaches from 3 parts /10,000 to 4 parts/10,000 will tip the scale in the atmosphere, heres the 5 mass extinctions with the best info I could locate. 1st known mass extinction: 1.) Ordovician - 2nd largest mass extinction, about 1/2 a billion yrs ago, shows that nature & the cosmos can cause these events too, losing 3/4s of all species to perish for over 1,000,000 yrs until recovery began. More than 60% of marine life perished causing a melt down of the food chain. This was due to an atmospheric cooling called the Phanerzoic. Cause : a drop in CO2 leading to cooling. From 7000 ppm to 4400 ppm thus a massive cooling ensued. The recovery took 1,000,000s of years. None of this applies if you are Christian/Muslim, or Jewish Fundamentalist. The heavens are not above the Earth, but around it, & thus the best metaphor is that above was talking of a dimensional plane, not in fluffy clouds & all...Non-literal works for me. 2.) Devonian - This occurred over a 20,000,000 yr period about 379,000,000 yrs ago, with conditions when 3/4s of all species of life on Earth died. 70% of marine life died, this was not as severe for land flora & fauna followed by Fresh water species, & lesser degree land species. It is believed to be under water volcanic activity causing acidity to rise to deadly levels, that then caused decline in coral reef & crustacean life, as this disabled there biologic chemistry (calcium is overcome by the acidic PH) passed onto to small fish that eat this plankton. Planktonic part of the food chain was the start of a breakdown that effected species higher & apex predators. Plants & sea life can transform or trap carbon, so like the melting perma-frost today this carbon stored in the soils of the arctic regions, is releasing the stored fossilized dead bio-materials. This combines with & reduced forestation to cause less CO2 to be eaten, stored & expel oxygen. Today, with perma-frost melt, the 80% of all rain forest destroyed plus the burning of fossil fuels, mimic this type disaster as these items either change carbon-dioxide to oxygen or store carbon deep in the earth into the atmosphere. 3.) Permian - also known as the Great Dying...this occurred 252,000,000 yrs ago & this was caused by super volcano erupting in what is now Siberia that spewed out hydrogen sulfide & other extreme greenhouse gases into an unusable air mass both on land & water for nearly 1,000,000 yrs. It killed 90% of all marine life. At that time there was only 1 super continent, which later was broken up due to continental drift. These eruption created 1,000,000 sq miles of new land mass (lava) but was millions of years to rekindle life though it gave newer species a leg up, a catalytic event . The fossil records changes were well evident to even 19th century science are very well studied, it is like the fossil records skipped a beat. Large amounts of detritus (dead organic matter) was lying in the Ocean depths & a certain form of life archaea known as Methanosarcina, which ate this mass but with a horrid by product, methane gas, a super-greenhouse gas & caused further CO2 by-products in the oceans. These methaogen is today found all over the earth, feeding on dead flora & fauna a genetic tech transfer that can metabolize acetate. A microbial tryst of sorts, genetic mutation, from a more ancient organism that existed before a very ancient stage of DE-oxygenated atmosphere. Also known as : gas hydrates. These cause a bi-calcification process is the same effect killing coral reefs today. As so many higher ocean creatures need the life that flourishes around the reefs, mean the apex predators become subject to the extinction in this way. This cause a positive feedback in which these creatures produced more other-wise poisonous bio-chemical by-products reply to such an event, (this over 40 million yrs period). These feedback loops can occur today with our preclude to more extinction than industrial man has already caused. These run away effects we simply cant exactly project but any projection is horrid for our genetic paradigm. 4.) Triassic-Jurassic - 199,000,000 yrs ago, it has been narrowed down to volcanic or asteroid-al causes for the rise in green house gases & this had only 1 good outcome as far as Humankind is concerned, because only small borrowing animals survived this, leading towards but not quite extending to, the age of Mammals. Large retails were killed off in great numbers in a very short span of years. 5th.) Cretaceous - Tertiary - this was the most recent of these - this occurred when a meteor struck Pangaea, where know the Gulf of Mexico is today & is clearly visible in imaging from space as well as ground based geological studies. Also, a the Cretaceous-Tercery boundary strata, a layer of Iridium has been found at the same level geologically all over the Earth, which indicated that it was an asteroid impact that caused this mass dying & caused 1st a number of years of the sun being blocked causing conditions like that of a nuclear winter. This killed off the last of the great dinosaurs & gave the final baton pass to the mammals...We are now on the precipice of the critical mass in which there is no turning back. It will take 50,000 years for Earth to heal, & what of us are left may never get to a technological level we have today.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:58:41 +0000

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