Here is a breakdown of three of our products... Slim (Pink Drink), - TopicsExpress


Here is a breakdown of three of our products... Slim (Pink Drink), Priobio5 (Probiotic) and the BioCleanse... Slim: this is a patented formulation of products that works specifically to lower blood sugar. Obviously, blood sugar and insulin production have a direct correlation on weight. Most people are aware of that. But blood sugar has also serious health implications on coronary/heart health, immune system, hormones etc ... An example of this is how many diabetics have heart disease. When blood sugars are high the sugar actually acts like shards of glass as it flows through our veins. That create inflammation and inflammation leads to disease, pain. sickness etc . Inflammation is known as the silent killer. Probio 5: All disease begins in the gut (Hippocrates) We have an epidemic of leaky gut/candida overgrowth, intestinal inflammation, food allergies etc ... The plexus probiotic works to address this issue in three ways: The 5 bacteria strains will repopulate your gut with good bacteria. There is also an anti-fungal that will help to kill off and eliminate the bad bacteria. The diestive enzyme will help replace enzymes that break down and allow for the absorption of nutrients. This is the only probiotic on the market that contains all 3 components. (I was previously taking all 3 of these separately) Biocleanse: Biocleanse has a few purposes. The first thing is to get you regular. You should be having 2-3 bowel movements per day. Everytime you do not have a bowel movement your body cannot waste its excess hormones. This leads to hormone disruptions like estrogen dominance. It also means that if you are only pooping one time per day then you have up to seven meals sitting in your gut.So the objective it is to produce regular and consistent bowel movements. Additionally the biocleanse will create an oxygenated and alkaline environment in your gut. This is important because diseases like cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich and alkaline environment. And they thrive in the reverse: oxygen deficient and acidic We describe it this way: probio5 kills of the bad stuff and biocleanse scrubs it out and gets rid of it. For those who are thinking Will I have to use Plexus for ever.. here you The only products that would be long term could be the xfactor and probiotic. We have several doctors confirming that every person in this country should be on a probiotic regimen. And the same is true for a good multi-vitamin. Accelerator is not intended for long term use. BioCleanse can be used indefinitely but is not required for success. Slim could be used always but it doesnt have to be. Lots of people go off of it when they reach their weight loss goals. And many stay on it for other health related benefits.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:45:30 +0000

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