Here is a few examples of our so called democracy Our President - TopicsExpress


Here is a few examples of our so called democracy Our President Baby Bush put a Puppet government in charge of Iraq and then called for elections. When the population voted out Malachi, the America Puppet, Baby Bush rebelled and ignored the wishes of the Iraqui people and ordered Malachi to remain as President. Now Malachi is kissing up to the Serian Government because Baby Bush can no longer protect him. Then we had a Palestinian uprising and our president at the time, Pappa Bush, I believe called for elections in Palistine. “Let the People decide” he declared. Americas Puppit Habass was in charge and when Hamass challenged Habass, (you could put an air to this and sing it) and won by a margin of two to one Pappa bush said. “NO” to the winner and left Habass in charge. Is this sort of action Democracy, or what form of democracy is it? How we are laughed at all over the world, but it’s going over the heads of most Americans.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 03:35:01 +0000

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