Here is a follow up to my first lesson on what hand to - TopicsExpress


Here is a follow up to my first lesson on what hand to read. LESSON 2 Further Hand Features Hands to be Read Here are some further reasons why I follow the path suggested as the right hand dealing with the survivor self, and the left hand dealing with the intimate self. It all relates to evidence driven palmistry. In my studies of dermatoglyphics, the skin ridge patterns on the palmar surface of the fingers and hands and soles of the feet, I have discovered a number of behavioral correspondences. One of the most striking is the tendency for those who have any form of whorl on their thumbs to hate to loose, to be a competitor, and those with loops to be generally more cooperative and often not particularly interested if they win or loose. Both are survival techniques, especially for herd and pack animals such as humans. One interesting feature is where in life these behavioral traits will express themselves when there is a loop on one thumb and a whorl on the other. I first started noticing this in men who would have a whorl on the right thumb and a loop on the left thumb. I found such men were highly competitive in business or at school, but were couch potatoes at home, hating arguments, or fights of any kind. This supports my survivor - intimate division of approaches to life seen in the left and right hands. I found it advisable for the student not to study at home, because of the problems of mixing personalities and reducing the powers of each. For the same reason, I advised such people to avoid working out of their homes, taking the edge off their work, or bringing unwanted conflict into the home. At what price and how soon could the psychiatrist or psychologist spot this condition that I can see in a matter of seconds? Much more on fingerprints can be learned from my work, Fingerprints and Behavior. amazon/Fingerprints-Behavior-Behavioral-Corespondences-Volume/dp/0983479518 Robin Guile alerted me to looking for branches at the start of the life - head lines for potential signs of early child abuse. My investigation has led me to believe that these sings are unimportant to current conditions unless the lies are discolored. If they are discolored, then the effect of these early influences is still present, even in later life. Ones without color indicate there was no problem, it has been resolved. The popular name for these influences currently is currently is Parental Genomic imprinting. The idea is that the action, inactions and mental attitudes of the parents during the maturation of the sperm and egg, gestation f the embrio and fetus and clearly over the first couple of years, imprints on the future pattern and timing expressions of the offspring’s own DNA to cause it to have future psychological effects. I have seen the influences going back more than one generation. I have seen it in the branch lines at the beginning of the life and head line. There can be no branches and the beginning line is red. Interpretation, the offspring subject did not receive its required support in these early times, neither mother or father was there so tat the child felt the support. Red line from the top. Father influence. Red line from the bottom, mother influence. Influences on the right hand indicate a feeling of insecurity, even if the person is a millionaire. On the left side, feelings of not being loved enough, even if the subject lives in a very loving home. We might see a distal branch coming from the finger area on the left hand which is red and a red main line. Possible interpretation: Father did not feel loved and the mother wasn’t here for the child . Change hands and the father could have been going through financial worries and the mother was not there. Once this has been pointed out to the subject, and they are told they do not have to continue to carry this burden unless they want to, relief starts to set in. I have seen colors indicating psychological effects become neutral in a matter of five minutes, indicating “cure.” There is much more to this subect. So for me these are two very strong evidence base palmistry studies that support how I read the difference between the right and left hand and why both need to be examined. Other reasons for examining both involve health and coordination.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:33:46 +0000

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