Here is a future, quite possible, scenario for the Right Wing in - TopicsExpress


Here is a future, quite possible, scenario for the Right Wing in Australia, 1, Clive Palmer joins the Greens and ALP to reject bills crucial to the budget. 2, The ALP is forced by internal and union pressures to drop its convention of not blocking supply. 3, The Govt are forced to a Double Dissolution as they cannot pass the budget. 4, The ALP wins the next election with a strong showing from the Greens. 5, PUP/Palmer absorbs nearly 1/2 of the Lib and National seats as voters, particularly pensioners abandon Abbott in droves. 6, Hockey loses his seat. 7, Abbott resigns as leader and Turnbull becomes leader but the Coalition holds a lot less seats and effectively the PUP is the defacto opposition. 8, The Nationals are spit over fracking and coal mining, eventually the farming lobby in that party wins and they pull out of Coalition with the Libs who they see as pro-mining and pro-fracking. 9, With the Coalition fractured PUP becomes the official opposition to the right of the ALP and the Greens. 10, The ALP, Greens and PUP pass legislation to break up Murdochs hold on Australian media. Palmers hatred of Murdoch is greater than any on the left. Murdochs papers continue to decline along with newsprint. Murdochs capacity to win an election for his favoured party is finished. 11, Members of the Liberal party start to blame the extreme Libertarian Wing and the IPA for their collapse. The Liberal Party gradually moves away from the IPA which is also losing ground with its corporate benefactors. 12, A few years down the track Clive Palmer is forced by a medical condition heart and lungs... to resign . 13 Leaderless the PUP party finds itself with no real ideological glue to bind its members. 14, The right in Australia breaks up into small and waring parties and individuals. 15, A new Right Wing leader with negotiating skills and charisma comes who does what Menzies did and creates a new united umbrella party of the Right.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 13:37:48 +0000

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