Here is a great guide on how to beat those interview nerves and - TopicsExpress


Here is a great guide on how to beat those interview nerves and really let the inner you shine through! You want to make sure you are as prepared as possible so why not try these out! Dont speak too fast - Nerves tend to make us speed up, so while youre waiting for your interview, breathe in through your nose very slowly for a count of three. Then breathe out through your nose for a count of three! Stop your voice shaking - Open your throat by sticking your tongue out as far as it will go, and try to say the whole of the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme out loud. This will open the back of the throat and youll sound more confident and have more authority! Do this before the interview! Stand up while you wait - You will often be shown into a boardroom before an interview and offered a seat while you wait. Dont take it. You dont want their first impression of you to be struggling up out of a chair stay standing! Find your best sitting position - Firstly, never trust the back of a chair! You can easily end up leaning too far back which can tighten your throat. I recommend leaning slightly forward on your chair. Youll look and feel more dynamic if you sit in this position. Show your hands - It has been proved that we are much more likely to get a job if we have our hands visible on the table and is also a sign of honesty. Make the other person feel special - Many people try too hard in a job interview and end up merely bigging themselves up. Remember to ask questions! Show you are genuinely interested when replying and look keen and passionate about the job on offer. Listen - When were crippled with fear and in full flight or fight mode, we find it hard to listen and often answer the wrong question. So try to slow down your bodys natural responses and listen – it will also help to make the other person feel special and show you value their question. Use your own voice - Try to use your own voice rather than putting on a formal public speaking voice. Often this is as simple as not speaking too loudly. Speak as if you were talking with a group of friends. Be yourself - If we are being ourselves when meeting other people, we will come across as relaxed, authentic and confident. Try to use words you usually use.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:36:12 +0000

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