Here is a great post that I found on the Liberal party Facebook - TopicsExpress


Here is a great post that I found on the Liberal party Facebook page. It was posted by Max Luxemberg. I think it sums up what many of us are thinking. Christian. Our grandfathers fought against fascism, and we now have it within our own government. Why are the most vulnerable being attacked, when the large corporations are making greater profits than ever? Why are our hospitals being gutted via austerity measures Maree? Come into St Vincents hospital and I will show you first hand the damage that this government is doing to our healthcare. Why do you support these draconian budget meassures that will see those who are unemployed go without ANY assistance for 6 months? That is criminal! Why do you support the concentration camps at Manus, where several people have died as a result of medical negligence? Why are these people being persecuted, when they are fleeing from wars that were largely the making of Western imperialism? This government are deliberately offshoring jobs for their corporate mates. You need to research the Trans Pacific Partnership. Our sovereignty is being sold off to multinational corporations. We have nearly 1 million unemployed in this country, and only around 150,000 job vacancies. A government is supposed to create employment opportunites, not create ever greater unemployment, and then to add insult to injury, punish the unemployed, when it is the Liberals themselves who are destroying our industry and job prospects. I am sick and tired of the racial and religious persecution of asylum seekers. I am also sick to death of the lies being perpetuated by thugs like Andrew Bolt, who is a convicted racist and media puppet. The stories that he writes in the Herald Sun are lies at best, and in some cases are libelous. He is not a journalist, he is a propagandist and opinion writer. For the love of god, please start doing independent research. The man is a charlatan who peddles nothing but hate and division.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:56:49 +0000

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