Here is a letter I just wrote to Lt. Tim Schmidt of Anaheim PD - - TopicsExpress


Here is a letter I just wrote to Lt. Tim Schmidt of Anaheim PD - please pray many activsts join us Tuesday, Sept. 23rd to at Anaheim City Hall at 5pm to bring change and help to those in need. Thanks so much! ----------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for writing Lt. Tim Schmidt, I do remember you and it is great to hear from you. I truly do appreciate the maturity in your tone also ( a much welcome relief this is!). You may want to consider putting other officers in Srgt. Lozeaus place since I have seen from others much more maturity and kindness that is needed for such a position. Maybe he would be more suited for a different task? This change would reflect much better on your department I believe. Also, I took 3 videos today and have included them in this email from La Palma Park. It seems according to the homeless much harassment and ticketing is still taking place, and the homeless are being kicked out of the park when ever there are games at the stadium, but is this not a public park? Where else are they to go? Officer Starke and others have ticketed the homeless while it was raining also according to various witnesses, and apparently entrapped them (please see video for details). I saw one womans ticket with my own eyes, and she is going to court the day before the next City Council meeting on Sept. 22 if I remember correctly. Other activists and I are planning to attend this city council meeting, and anything you can do to protect the homeless from harassment and from the elements would truly be appreciated. Please imagine yourself if you can on the streets without enough money for rent. I know it might be hard for you to understand, but as one who is in their shoes, such a place can be quite harsh, especially when police who should protect and serve the poor as well as others begin to oppress those in need. Thanks so much for your time, and just so you know email and Facebook is the best way to reach me for now since I no longer have a phone with service. I only have an iPhone that enables me to get online with wifi from the library. Here are the 3 videos I took today, and I am sending this email to George, Brad and a few other Activists so they can know what is going on from the perspective of the Homeless also: Homeless harassed/ticketed in the rain at La Palma Park - https://youtube/watch?v=7Jf5sQiWbMU Homeless kicked out of park/unable to get services - https://youtube/watch?v=5klIxqVvIr0 homeless/elderly kicked out of park - https://youtube/watch?v=K_gKudTzdSI Sincerely in Christ Jesus, Roussan Joshua Collins James 2:6 Proverbs 31:9
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:08:29 +0000

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