Here is a letter I received from my US Senator, Charles - TopicsExpress


Here is a letter I received from my US Senator, Charles Boustany: Dear Mr. Cancienne: Each Member of Congress is a directly elected representative of the American people, and our authority to write and pass laws is derived from consent of the governed. The future of our democracy is at stake if this President is allowed to continue ignoring the clearly defined boundaries of power outlined in our Constitution. The Senate has made clear they are not concerned with the Administrations overreach. It is up to the House to act to defend our system of checks and balances. Speaker Boehner announced he will introduce legislation this month to bring legal action against the President for his abuse of power. I fully support this effort, and invite you to visit the Speakers website at to learn more about the fight to hold President Obama accountable. Please continue to update me on your thoughts and concerns. Sincerely, Charles Boustany,Jr., MD Member of Congress Here is my reply: Dear Senator Boustany: In response to this immature outburst, let me first ask if you have done the research on the number of former Presidents who have used this privilege of office prior to President Obama? If you have, even you in your blind snit will see that he has exercised this Executive Order privilege less than the President prior to his first election. This begs the question.... Where the hell was the outrage when George W. Bush was exercising his Presidential rights? And another thing.... where has your outrage over the fact that the Republicans in BOTH houses of Congress has bent over backwards to impede recovery, and slow growth of jobs in this nation? Please direct me to the outrage of a failure of this Congress, yes the very one YOU are a part of where lack of funding for the VA is concerned? Dont get me wrong.... I have seen the lip service you have given.... but nothing more. Where has your outrage over jobs bleeding overseas, and corporations pouring jobs overseas still getting tax breaks and other Federal incentives? Where is your outpouring of righteous indignation over the fact that our infrastructure, yes those same roads, highways and rail systems used by your corporate sugar daddies to transport their goods to market, is crumbling before our very eyes? I submit to you, Senator, that if President Obama did not use his Executive authority, we could well be in worse shape waiting on this FAILURE of a Congress to get off of their collective asses to actually do what they were elected to do, and work for the people of our state and country, rather than those rich corporations that you have been supporting with tax payer dollars. Just so this will not come as a surprise, I have signed the MoveOn.Org petition calling for you, and all of the other Republican members of both houses of Congress to be sued for failure to carry out the jobs you were elected to do. If I had my way, you and these other obstructionists would have to forfeit out of YOUR pockets every dollar wasted on trying to recall a bill passed through both houses, signed by the President and even tested in the Supreme Court of the United States for its legality. If I had my way, every investigation on Benghazi, or the IRS probes would come out of your pay checks. So dont come to me talking about criminal activity. At least until the Congressional approval rating of this Congress is greater than the cock roach. Sincerely; John A. Cancienne SFC, USA, Ret
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:22:07 +0000

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