Here is a letter written by a good friend of mine that speaks for - TopicsExpress


Here is a letter written by a good friend of mine that speaks for us all with regards to the do-nothing leaders sitting on their collective ass in Congress.I thought it worthy of re-posting.I especially like the point he makes about skin color.Lets keep what we voted for top of mind. Subject: Results of 2014 Midterm Elections To: Congressman Mo Brooks, AL 5 Speaker of the House John Boehner, OH 8 Senator Mitch McConnell, KY Gentlemen, The GOP has been given a gift – a gift of trust from the American people. This gift of trust did not come lightly. This gift is a clear rejection of what has been going on in Washington DC for the past 6+ years. We, the People of the United States, are telling you in a clear voice to STOP THIS INSANITY! COLD! We did not elect a Republican majority to make nice with the other side. We did not elect a Republican majority to ‘reach across the aisle’. We elected a Republican majority to turn the ship around. Whether you will admit it or not, this president has been operating outside the US Constitution for the past 6 years. Each and every policy and action of this president and his administration has caused harm to each and every American as well as causing great harm to the security of our country. Right now, he is poised to issue an Executive Order that is not based on any current law whatsoever. He is legislating from the White House and usurping the authority of Congress. This is grossly wrong – and you know it. To stand idly by and let him do it implicates yourselves as well, you will be complicit in his lawless actions for failure to act. Do not let this happen to you. Both Clinton and Nixon were impeached for crimes of a much lesser degree than what this president has already committed. I ‘highly’ suggest you use the authority of impeachment to restrict his future actions. You have the votes in the house and the Senate shouldn’t be a hurdle. There are needed votes from Democrats who are trying to distance themselves from him. Skin color should be no excuse for letting a tyrant operate beyond the scope of the law. To remind you again, you were not elected to compromise with progressive tyrants. You were elected to STOP this in its tracks. If your future actions do not reflect our votes then ‘We the People’ will know without a doubt you are a part of the progressive movement with its goal of destruction of this country. Richard Gibson LTC, USA(r)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:50:57 +0000

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