Here is a list of some of the biggest recent Psyops deployed by - TopicsExpress


Here is a list of some of the biggest recent Psyops deployed by the SSG against “We the People”: 1- Murrah Building Bombing [Oklahoma City], done by the Mossad with assistance by the BATF & CIA and covered up by the FBI. This attack was a Psyop against the American People comprised of a Gladio-Style False-Flag, Inside-job attack on the newly emerging American Patriot Militias and an initial preparation for the planned “War on Terror.” 2- The first NY Trade Center Attack in the basement of the Twin Towers, done by the done by the Mossad with assistance by the BATF & CIA and covered up by the FBI. This attack was a Psyop against the American People comprised of a Gladio-Style False-Flag, Inside-job attack blaming all Muslims, using an FBI entrapment of the Blind Sheik. It was the FBI that insisted that the Bomb used had to be real and the CIA which placed a 55 gallon drum of cyanide stolen from Champon Natural Cherri Flavoring Company in Boca Raton, Florida. 3- The nuclear attack on America on 9/11/01 was done by the Mossad with assistance by NeoCons, PNACers, some Traitors in the JCS, USAF, FAA & NORAD and was a Gladio-Style False-Flag, Inside-job attack wrongfully blaming Osama Bin Laden (CIA Trade name Tim Osman) and by implications all Muslims including Saddam Hussein and Afghanistani Talibans. Veteran Today’s Senior Editor Gordon Duff has published numerous articles based on rock solid evidence showing that the 9/11/01 attack on America was a nuclear attack.(3) And Veteran Today’s Managing Editor Jim Dean has published a very informative article on this too.(4) And Veterans Today Editor Professor Jim Fetzer has published numerous articles with Research Associates documenting how mini or micro-nukes were deployed and what the nuclear fingerprints were comprised of. It is actually quite easy to identify the particular place the nuclear material used was manufactured because each detonation has a specific “fingerprint” based on the nuclear particles left behind after the detonation and these are known to Intel insiders. Back in 2011, Veterans Today Editors published a very sensitive and quite revealing article on how Nukes were deployed in the 9/11/01 attack on America. 4- The Boston Marathon Bombing which was a covert DHS/FEMA Drill with absolutely no real injuries at all. This was a Gladio-Style False-Flag, Inside-job attack against the new construct, the “American Lone Wolf Terrorist” and was designed to justify a huge police state type occupation of the surrounding communities while looking for the DHS designated Patsies, one of which was murdered by the FBI in cold blood, a crime never prosecuted but should be someday since there is no statute of limitations on murder. Professor Jim Fetzer has published numerous articles showing that there were NO injuries at the Boston Marathon and professional “Crises Actors” were used. 5- The Sandy Hook DHS/FEMA Capstone Drill using the whole New Town community, the Connecticut State Police, the Governor and Attorney general of Connecticut and the US Attorney General with approval by the US sitting President. This Sandy Hook Psyop was a sophisticated attack on the Second Amendment, designed to help the SSG get more laws passed to outlaw guns in America. The SSG and specifically the Banksters are scared to death of well armed masses rising up against them and seizing their power and assets, which is likely to happen eventually if their computer algorithm projections are accurate. Professor Jim Fetzer and his research associates including former Florida State Patrolman and School Safety Expert Wolfgang Halbig have shown that there were no dead kids at Sandy Hook and No dead teachers either, beyond any reasonable doubt. veteranstoday/2014/09/13/ending-the-continuing-stream-of-americas-secret-shadow-government-psyops/
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 08:53:08 +0000

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