Here is a little thing I wrote about recent changes in my - TopicsExpress


Here is a little thing I wrote about recent changes in my life. Moving and Simplifying Dear Universe, I decided to simplify a little. I moved from a big house to a not so big house. Moving = Nightmare. I go to bed wondering where my stuff is. I toss and turn all night dreaming of lost stuff. And I wake up in the morning wondering where my stuff is. They say its one of the most stressful things we do. Its up there with an alien invasion, and realizing you dont like your tattoos anymore. I knew I had some stuff, but seriously I had no idea. I had to unpack boxes in order to pack. I had so many things I couldnt give it all away. I tried for months. From tools to hundreds of beanie babies, and furniture to old bongs from college. Even Goodwill wouldnt take it all. They did take the bongs. Over the last 2 years Ive ordered 3 very large trash dumpsters. They were all taken away full. Yet it wasnt but a month ago that I thought my move might never happen on time. But good friends showed up like the cavalry and pulled me from my tape and cardboard quagmire. Now (almost) everything I own fits into a 16x16 storage space. Not bad for the first purging. And even as I unpack Im still getting rid of things; things I thought I wanted. Once committed, simplifying is an ongoing process. It wasnt easy letting go in the beginning. Then I realized that none of that stuff is who I am. Actually, I am more who I am now without it. But its not just about the stuff. Its a mind game too. Deciding the fate of stuff sitting on-the-fence opens some boxed away emotions, but ultimately shedding things is calming. Through it Ive discovered its not about fitting everything I own into a back pack. Simplifying is about keeping what is meaningful to me. Keeping items that enhance my life today. Keeping things I actually use. Some of the stuff in the attic hadnt seen the sun for 20 years. Now those dusty boxes and everything in them are gone. To where? I dont even remember. If I ever need it, Ill borrow one. Simply, Bove
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:06:13 +0000

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