Here is a post from Pat Uribes about the candidates running for - TopicsExpress


Here is a post from Pat Uribes about the candidates running for Hampton Sheriff. The following is a letter I have sent twice to the Daily Press. They have thus far refused to publish it: I used to support Sheriff B.J. Roberts. I participated in fundraising events and encouraged friends to elect him. I no longer support his re-election. I have lost confidence in his leadership, integrity, and ethical direction. I ask Hampton voters to please consider the following for their own November 5th decision. Last election, several of Roberts’ deputies chose not to participate in his re-election campaign. That decision cost them their jobs. This is well documented through litigation that currently is as far up to the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and as reported in the Daily Press on October 24 2013, “the judges appear to imply that Roberts might have broken the law barring the use of office resources for re-election efforts.” The Court’s opinion lends more than enough basis to indict Sheriff Roberts on counts of violating our public trust. Unfortunately this can become habit forming for some elected officials, especially those seated in their offices for too many years. They gain a misguided sense of power and act with impunity, and as in this case, deprive their employees a fundamental right as citizens; to campaign, vote for, and elect a fellow citizen of their choosing. This behavior is at the least highly unethical, and at the most possibly illegal according to the judges’ published opinion. The Daily Press editorial board endorses Sheriff Roberts. This is the same editorial board that constantly speaks of transparency and fairness in Hampton City politics. If the adage; “if it looks like a rat, and if it smells like a rat, then it’s probably a rat…” does not apply here, then certainly the phrase “…Appearance of impropriety…” should. The fair and right choice for Hampton is to remove B.J. Roberts from office and elect Jim Adams as our next Sheriff. This will be seen as a message to all office holders that their actions are always accountable to the people they serve and employ. Our system of democracy allows for a healthy change of elected command and it appears that now is the time for that change. We the taxpayers, make that decision. Will you help send the message? Patrick Uribes. I am asking all my friends that are Hampton, VA voters to please consider this at the polls on Tuesday. Thanks, P.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 14:14:49 +0000

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