Here is a prayer from a friend to start your week. A Prayer for - TopicsExpress


Here is a prayer from a friend to start your week. A Prayer for Fresh Mercy and the Power of God To you, LORD, I call; you are my Rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you remain silent, I will be like those who go down to the pit. Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place. Psalm 28:1-2 Holy and loving Father, I praise you for the privilege of running to you right now with hands up heart out in great need. You always welcome us in our weakness, brokenness and desperation. You never roll your eyes in aggravation, wondering when we’re ever going to “get it.” You will never turn away from us nor a deaf ear to us. You are the fountain of kindness and the giver of grace upon grace. O, the peace this brings in the chaos of any crisis. Father, I really need you to show up, for me and for people that I love. I feel like I’m facing a Red Sea which needs parting, a strong army which needs routing, a huge crowd that needs feeding, a dead corpse which needs raising. All that to say, I acknowledge the finite limits of my resources, wisdom and strength. I abandon myself to your supply, timing and ways. Indeed, hear my cry, and the cries of many of my brothers and sisters in Jesus. Though the details in our situations may vary greatly, our need is just the same. We need the wonders of Jesus’ love and the power of his resurrection. We need the wisdom you have promised from above and the mercies you have promised without end. We need the hope of the gospel, the sufficiency of grace and faith to move mountains. Gracious Father, for the glory of Jesus; for the fame of your name; for the advancing of your kingdom, rescue us from our unbelief. Do exceedingly beyond all we can ask or imagine in our situations, that many might behold the beauty and bounty of the gospel. Keep us from the guilt of past failures. You don’t remember our sins against us, forgive us when we do. Help us in the pain of present wounding. You haven’t promised the absence of hurt but the gift of your presence. Free us from the fear of an uncertain future. You’ve never given us any reason to doubt your promise to complete every good work you have begun. All through this day, may your Spirit reaffirm to our spirits that we are your beloved children and that you are a God who is doing all things well. We wait upon the rising of the sun and the coming of your Son. So very Amen, we pray, in Jesus’ mighty and merciful name.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 14:25:15 +0000

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