Here is a real life Obamacare story that you will never hear on - TopicsExpress


Here is a real life Obamacare story that you will never hear on Fox so called News. .................. Hi Alisha:I am not going public with this on my FB. I try to remain positive and cannot handle a war. I also do not share my personal issues on FB. I live in a state that is not going to accept the Medicaid expansion and they also hate President Obama. I have an ACA story to tell that I wish I could tell. It may help drive home a point, but then again a friend I have known for many years hates President Obama so badly she would let me die. I just returned from UVA in Charlottesville, VA where I had Gamma Knife for the remains of a softball sized meningioma brain tumor I had removed in 2003. I am otherwise really healthy, but it is a financial nightmare. I had follow up MRIs until 2010 and my tumor had another tumor growing and they suggested Gamma then. I had a full schedule that year and thought that I could do it the next year. In 2011 I suffered another tragic accident due to a drunk driver that took all of my energy and our money. So I put off having MRIs that I needed. We simply could not afford it because of the drunk. But the headaches started again and I got worried. My kitty started to sleep next to my head SO I called my neurosurgeon and made the appointment. I drove alone and found out that my tumor has a new best friend and it is growing faster than the remaining part of the first one. I am scheduled now for Gamma on April 10th. It cannot be put off. What does this have to do with the ACA? I cannot or could not get insurance on my own even though I HAD insurance when it was first found and really have never had any health problems. I have lived in fear since 2003 that something would happen to my husband or he would lose his job, my insurance, and I will die. Yes I will eventually die from the growth of this tumor because I cannot get insurance on my own. How else did that affect us? He has been tied to his job keeping him from retiring early and keeping us in the horrible state where we live. NOW they are trying to repeal it and my fear is back. I live in fear once again that they will succeed and I will die with the growth of this tumor. Someone needs to shake the crap out of these people who are trying to kill me. That is the only way to describe it, me and millions of people like myself. I can never get insurance on my own. I am stuck not only with this tumor that will shoot off another tumor and I live or I die if it is not taken care of as it grows. I was also told we WILL have follow up MRIs every year from now on, a cost of 700.00 a year for me plus Dr appointment and travel expenses. I am so sick of living in fear on top of living with these things in my head that make me have headaches from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. It is a wonder I can do anything at all or I ever smile or ever have a positive word to say. Someone needs to shake the crap out of these stupid people. If my husband could retire early it would give someone else a job. It is a JOB CREATOR. People do not realize that if they DO have an illness and have a job without the ACA they will have to work in that job FOREVER to get insurance. So their hate of President Obama is one day going to end up hurting them. IDIOTS! I want to tell my story but I cannot. Like I said it would create a war and I certainly do not need that.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:43:38 +0000

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