Here is a small letter that I wrote to the amazing author, John - TopicsExpress


Here is a small letter that I wrote to the amazing author, John Green. I decided to share this with my fellow Facebook friends. Dear John Green, John, oh john. Why must you do this to me, dear Pudge, and poor Colonel. You are tearing my life apart good sir! Well, of course I am saying this theoretically, because you couldnt actually tear a life apart because a life is kinda just a thing we make up. But I am getting off topic here. The reason I am writing this extensive paragraph is because of Looking for Alaska. You just made me reevaluate everything. Ever. The question of How we will escape this Labyrinth of suffering haunts me. But this is a question that I dont believe many people consider until its too late. Also, I would like to take the time to answer one of your intentionally vague and broad discussion questions. Specifically, question 3. This question states Do you like Alaska? Do you think that its important to like people you read about? May I firstly say that Alaska is my new favorite book character (sorry Gus and Hazel Grace.) I also think that it is important to NOT like some people you read about. And this book is the perfect example. You make me hate Alaska so much that in turn, I love her. Her boyfriend was a lucky man. Can I just thank you, for creating so many wonderful books. Currently I am reading A abundance if Katherines and I absolutely love it. I am on page 4. I fear that this book may also bring me mental destruction and cause me to have a existential crisis. And also, my answer to the question. There is no escape. Sincerely, A proud nerd-fighter, Waverly
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 01:16:53 +0000

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