Here is a small-yet-visually powerful scene in what I am working - TopicsExpress


Here is a small-yet-visually powerful scene in what I am working on. Once you read it, could you write and tell me your thoughts? Tell me what the scene made you feel and think. Thanks! ------------------------- The rays of sunshine slowly began to creep across the landscape, banishing the banks of fog that gripped the land in its tight embrace. All along the pass, puddles of cold water filled all the fresh horse tracks that canvased the ground, the light scintillating upon their surface. Billowing clouds navigated across the sky at a fair pace, casting shadows upon the ground far below. From the northern horizon, four cloaked figures galloped upon horses, all riding close together. The one in the front lofted a crudely made banner high upon a wooden pole, the banner emblazoned with a reddish-stained hand. As they neared a ridge upon the mountain pass, the one in front raised the banner, indicating them all to begin slowing down. As the figures slowed, they all closed in on one another, still looking out over the pass and across the valley that lay ahead of them. All wore leather armor, with bits of wolf and bear fur. The one that held the banner, however, seemed to have better made armor. The nicer-dressed figure slammed the standard into the ground and pushed the hood off, revealing the rider to clearly be a greyish-skinned, battle-scarred humanoid. Spiral tattoos covered his face and each ear was pierced several times with jagged pieces of jade. Reaching down to a pouch at his waist, he removed what appeared to be some jerked meat and took a bite and began chewing. After a few chews, he swallowed, at which point he spoke in a goblinoid tongue: [Brothers of the clan, we are here at last. Our target is just past the Valley of the Teeth. We are about to enter lands patrolled by humans, so stand vigilant. While we are to not engage the enemy, we may defend ourselves if necessary. We are here to watch and observe. Any questions?] One of the other humanoids spoke, Lieutenant Kosik, what are we looking for? Nodding, Lieutenant Kosik replied, We are to simply count th number of soldiers the city has. Once done, we are to leave so that we may give our report. Up ahead, there is a secluded cave opening. That will be our base. From there, we will observe the comings and goings of the city. Gripping the standard, Lieutenant Kosik ripped it out of the ground and began pressing his horse forward. Craning his neck after about fifteen feet, he barked, Follow me!, and set back out on the trail. The three others fell in line and within a matter of minutes, had vanished into the treeline.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 03:19:33 +0000

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