Here is a snippet of part six of "The Disappearance of Tonia - TopicsExpress


Here is a snippet of part six of "The Disappearance of Tonia Nunez." Just finished it awhile ago. “The Disappearance of Tonia Nunez” Part 6 By Roel Adrian Garcia For a few seconds no one said anything. Tonia looked confused. Nella’s face was set, her eyes hard. Daniel’s expression was that of pleasant surprise and a smile broke out as he looked at Tonia. Then Daniel broke the silence with words that made Nella’s heart darken even more toward her sister. Deep down, Nella knew that if Daniel met Tonia something would spark. She couldn’t explain it, but she knew this to be true. And now it was happening first before her helpless eyes. “Hello. Como estas, senorita bonita,” he said, using his mediocre Spanish. Tonia blushed, flushed with embarrassment. She lowered her gaze, glancing at the floor, as if finding something interesting there. Daniel, seeing her face redden, smiled and held up his hands. “I’m sorry. Perdon. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” Nella found her ability to speak and said in a rush, “Tonia was just running upstairs. Don’t mind her.” Daniel looked from Nella to Tonia and clapped his hands together. “You’re Tonia. Nella’s sister. I’m happy to meet you.” He extended his hand. Tonia, recovered from her embarrassment, reached out a hand and smiled. It was radiant. “Good to meet you…” “It’s Dan. I’m Lenny’s brother,” he said, shaking hands. His smile widened. Nella’s demeanor cooled and her face hardened. Senorita bonita? Daniel never talked like that. But Nella knew. She felt that spark as Daniel walked in the room. And she cursed the moment. “Tonia was on her way upstairs. She’s tired and needs a bath. It was a long bus ride,” Nella said, glancing over at her sister. “Yes, I am tired. I will go. It was nice to meet you, Dan,” Tonia said. Daniel bowed. “My pleasure. I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon.” Tonia walked upstairs. Daniel’s gaze followed her as she went. Nella now became an observer in this silly game of budding love. That is what was going on. “You never told me your sister was a beauty. Wow. I’m sorry I’m gushing, but I was surprised at her appearance,” Daniel said, still looking at the stairs, catching a final look at Tonia’s legs before she disappeared. Nella seethed. What was he getting at? What was she, then? Mugre? Costra? Esa pinche mujer puta. Daniel turned and saw Nella’s face. It was controlled, smooth, and impassive. But her eyes were blank. “Nella?” Nella blinked, shook her head, and then turned to face Daniel. “Yes? Yes. She is a beautiful woman, my hermanita,” Nella said. “Poor thing. Just got here. Her and her little boy, Luis. He’s five. No father.” Nella played this up, wanting to discourage Daniel’s intentions with Tonia. It failed. “Who would run out on such a beautiful woman,” he said. “I don’t know. Un perro, as Tonia calls him,” Nella said, barely holding her contempt. Daniel took a second, translated the words, and then laughed. He nodded. “Yep. A dog.” Wanting to get out of this conversation quickly, Nella changed the subject. “Did you bring the motorcycle for Lenny?” Daniel’s face was blank, as if Nella had asked him a foreign question. Then his eyes cleared. “Oh, yeah. I have it in back of the truck.” “Lenny’s in the backyard. He’s probably waiting for you,” Nella said. Daniel was slow to respond but nodded. “OK. I’ll go find him.” Daniel left, heading out back through the kitchen. Nella stood in the living room, alone. Upstairs the floor creaked as Tonia moved around getting ready for her bath. Downstairs it was quiet. But Nella’s heart thudded so loud it was like a drum beating in the room. Nella walked to the landing and looked up the stairs. Her eyes had grown black. “Hermanita, que gusto verte,” said whispered with a malevolent tone.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 00:47:52 +0000

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