Here is a story I found on fb page - TopicsExpress


Here is a story I found on fb page S.A.F.E. https://facebook/safe4emily I wish to remain anonymous. I remember 2011 and 2012 as some of the toughest years for a group of friends that I once called brothers. At the start of 2011, we had all used incense recreationally. I had smoked a little too much one night and felt like I was going to have a heart attack. As I lay there, I could hear my heart pounding through my breathing. I started praying for this horrible feeling to go away, I remember telling myself that if I make it through this I would never smoke incense again. The next morning, I was alive with a new invigorated sense of self control. When I told my friends of this, they laughed and constantly stated that it will never happen to them. I continued down the path of my own self righteousness while I remained a loyal friend to people who would soon become addicts to the incense when the chemical compound was once again changed. Before I knew it, it had them all. They started to spend all of their time, money, and energy on getting high. I was eventually ostracized by my friends to the smell of that horrendous stuff. I could sit here and blame them for choosing that stuff over a long friendship, but the sure thing about addicts of any nature is they exist to feed their addiction. Everything and anything will fall by the wayside. This epidemic had become a part of my everyday life. My roommate was on a 33 gram a day incense habit and would frequently miss paying rent and eventually stopped going to work. Toward the end of 2011, I had downgraded into a much smaller apartment and parted ways with my roommate. To this day, I dont know where he is, nor have I ever attempted to look. My friends stayed strong in their addictive ways until the summer when one of my friends had a severe psychotic breakdown and attempted to kill his wife who had also become hopelessly addicted to synthetics. When he couldnt bring himself to do it he attempted suicide on himself. I still remember the vibrant, intelligent friend I once knew, reuniting with me at my door wearing from head to toe, his own blood. He was severely malnourished and the term lights are on but nobody is home definitely applied. I will never forget that image as long as I live. He was brought to the hospital where the doctors determined that he had suffered irreparable brain damage. As a result, my many friendships were forever damaged. I have more instances in my life where this garbage has played a big role in the destruction of those closest to me, but this is the only one I am going to tell for now
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 18:29:45 +0000

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