Here is a story to warm the hearts of any white hating liberal, - TopicsExpress


Here is a story to warm the hearts of any white hating liberal, who no doubt think those evil white Afrikaners are getting a taste of their own medicine, except this isnt their own medicine. Under Apartheid blacks were fed, they had homes, jobs and were eligible for welfare if they became unemployed. Under the racist ANC government destitute whites have no such Luxury: __________________ From Adriana Stuijt at CensorBugbear The streets of Pretoria bear all the evidence of a very serious decline. Amongst the rubbish-strewn streets many homeless white people are begging for food-handouts with their children. These working-class Afrikaner artisans – the people whose forebears founded the city of Pretoria - were forced into grinding destitution and homelessness because the ANC-regime’s laws are barring the whites from the labour market. ANC-regime wants to dump thousands of destitute Afrikaner families in the streets of Pretoria: Employers who dare to hire these Afrikaners for their often highly-skilled artisan and Western-technological excellence, face being targetted by the ANC regime’s army of militant inspectors. They threaten to take away their businesses’ black-economic-empowerment- certificates if they don’t rid themselves of all the white faces on the shopfloors. And without a BEE-certificate no business can keep its doors open for very long. Consumers can even keep track of the steady empoverishment of the Afrikaners: their cash-register slips show the growing percentage of black labour which has gone into making each item. (picture far right). And as the percentage of black-labourers on those cash-slips rise, each percentage point upwards also represents the growing poverty and homelessness of the country’s large number of skilled Afrikaners. Temporary white contract workers don’t qualify for government unemployment benefits: The only way skilled Afrikaners now still can be hired is on a temporary year-long contract basis negotiated through labour-brokers: and when their contracts end, they don’t qualify for unemployment-benefits either, so the government unemployment statistics do not accurately reflect ‘white unemployment’. The government has recently made a new law to close this ‘loop-hole’ by barring these labour-brokers. The Afrikaners now are becoming just as poor, suppressed and destitute as their Boer forebears were under British rule – except that under the ANC-regime, they now also are very deliberately barred from the job market… by law: Afrikaners used to employ millions of blacks before 1994: Before 1994, these Afrikaners however also were the single-largest group of employers of blacks in the country: so for every fired Afrikaner today, at least two black families also immediately lose their incomes: their maid and their gardener. And the average black household represents eight family members each… with 800,000 of the 3million Afrikaners now destitute, they represent 1,6-million black workers who also lost their jobs in Afrikaner households. This is a post on a blog by Sarah: Maid of Albion
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:46:49 +0000

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