Here is a summary about Hobby Lobby - TopicsExpress


Here is a summary about Hobby Lobby decision. huffingtonpost/2014/06/30/supreme-court-hobby-lobby_n_5521444.html A divided Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Monday that closely held corporations cannot be required to provide contraception coverage for their employees. The Affordable Care Act contains a provision requiring most employers to cover the full range of contraception in their health care plans at no cost to their female employees. The Obama administration had granted an exemption for churches and accommodations for religious hospitals, schools and nonprofits, but for-profit companies were required to comply with the coverage rule or pay fines. This decision allows these closely-held for-profit companies who object on religious grounds to use the SAME accommodations as those allowed for religious schools and other religious non-profits. So, their employees would still be covered, but that coverage is paid for by the government.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 15:53:51 +0000

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