Here is a tiny but telling example of why I am getting pissed off - TopicsExpress


Here is a tiny but telling example of why I am getting pissed off with the tactics of the green left. This is pic of a Koala said to be lost and bewildered after deforestation. The pic is being used to oppose logging. But hes in a cleared pine plantation. Someone put him there. How do I know thats a pine plantation? I used to live surrounded by 180,000 Ha of farmed pine forest, which was being cleared and renewed. And koalas do not live in pine trees. Important issues should stand on their own merits. If you have to resort to lies and extreme truth-stretching to push a barrow about something, 1) You may be wrong about it, 2) You will actually drive people away from it and 3) You give ammunition to you opposition when your lies come to light. The attitude of so many lefties I encounter these days is that their causes are just and pure, they are morally superior and anything said or done to further their issues is OK. So assured are they in belief of their ideology, they assume the other person must be an idiot so in discussion they treat, and call, anyone opposed to them uneducated without even checking or listening properly to what is being said. I have observed they resort quickly to personal attacks, fascist and nazi insults, accuse of hatred, racism, etc instead of debating the point or giving evidence or supporting argument. This is behaviour I am seeing very often. Is this what the left has become these days? I dont think it is me. I think the left has changed, and for the worse. I blame the Gillard/Greens Government who acted this way and encouraged it in others. It is time to recognise and reverse this trend. In conclusion, dear Left: stop it. Regards, me.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 23:47:56 +0000

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