Here is a transcript of a short channeling from Jan 12th 2014. - TopicsExpress


Here is a transcript of a short channeling from Jan 12th 2014. This is all new for me but I knew it was the next step in my evolution as an Angel Communicator. The channeling is limited to my capacity and vernacular at the moment but AA Michael assures me that will expand quickly. A portion of this speaks of walking among us which was explained in the other part of this channeling that was with Michael for my own instruction. He explained that it meant walking among us as they did in biblical times, fully visible, audible, and corporeal. They already walk among us in angelic form...just wanted to clarify. So on to the message... It is I Metatron, I come to you this day with a message…a message for all mankind, come forth the rebirth of this year. The rebirth of all of you. We embrace you and love you unconditionally and ask that this year you dedicate your lives and souls to bettering yourselves. Change the planet by bettering yourselves, by bettering yourselves we mean pursue things, pursue objects, pursue excitement, pursue your joy, pursue things that make you happy. Be true to yourself and to no other. Have Faith, move forward, have passion and do what you love. It is only by doing what you love that you experience true joy and thus connect to your higher self. Connect to your higher self will be an all important theme for this year. We want you, our brothers and sisters, to connect, to connect and raise your vibration so you can see us and be more open to speak with us and more freely navigate these channels so we can once again walk among you. We once again wish to be with you as brother and sister to guide you and help you and be by your side. We ask this of all you people. Of everyone within reach of this voice. To please go forward and find your joy. Do what you must. Turn inward. It not the year of the guru…it is the year of the self. Turn inward …find your joy, find your happiness, find your connection. And in these moments we ask that you would come forward to us. Ask for our help and we will gladly give it to you. For we are here …we are your guardians we are your keepers we are your brothers and sisters we are your fathers and mothers. We are here to help guide and protect you. Only through these moments and these times and this offering that we have for you that you can reach out and be a part of our world. Because if you are not part of our world there is a separation. And separation is darkness and we want you to be in the Light with us. It is so beautiful and we wish to share that with you. We once again wish to walk among you and be a part of your reality. So please reach out, find your joy. Be with us once again. Brothers and Sisters of the Earth. This is the year of Rebirth. Daniel earlier today did a reading and he said he will call it The Rebirth because we told him to call it the Rebirth and a Rebirth it is. The new moon brings about new life. And new life and rebirth and transformation and reinvention is the year of 2014. Harvest, utilize, and manipulate these energies and these gifts that we bring you. And we offer to you every day…bring them inside ..make it personal…go deep and reinvent yourself. And some of you have been working a very long time at this and it will seem like it has been a long journey. And others of you will just have recently have started this will seem like it comes very easy. Because now more then ever…now in this moment in time.. in your present is when it is available and it is available to you and is available to all mankind. In quantum amounts further over than what has ever been available before. So we ask you now take this gift that we give you, fulfill your life purpose. Become One with who you are .Become One with your higher self, Become One with us Brothers and Sisters. We love you and we can not wait to meet with you again. So there it first message I was asked to share with you by the Angels themselves. Truth is I will probably only share messages I am asked to. much of what I have done thus far has been personal instruction. Any input is welcomed. Have a blessed day.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 02:12:25 +0000

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