Here is a video into one of our scariest moments. (Not too - TopicsExpress


Here is a video into one of our scariest moments. (Not too graphic) We will share the whole story leading up to this point, but the simple story to this is that Garry was experiencing toxicity for over a week to dilantin (2nd time) and we had no clue. He had seen a dr at SMH for symptoms (eye darting, head bobbing, could barely walk and speak and remember anything). He was not taken seriously once the dr looked at his chart and was sent home immediately. A week later this is what happened. This is when I walked out of the washroom and saw that he looked a little more off then the whole week. I asked him the same questions Im asking in the video prior to snapping this. And called 911 immediately after stopping the recording. I then recorded the whole ordeal on his phone while speaking on mine, dealing with three kids and two dogs. We now know this could have been avoided if he wasnt sent home so quick the week before. My husband could and honestly should have died this day. We are thankful everyday he is alive. People with arachnoid cysts need to start being looked at seriously to avoid more problems like this in the furrow for us and others. We dont want anyone going through this, ever! Yes the cyst isnt the cause of the toxicity, but to treat the seizures caused by it is the problem. Please watch what medications you or your loved ones are taking and how they react to them. Never take no for an answer if you dont feel right! Candlce Hicks
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:06:48 +0000

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