Here is an amazing story about one distributor. that you really - TopicsExpress


Here is an amazing story about one distributor. that you really need to read, This is her whys for starting the It Works business and what it has done for her. Maybe this can inspire you to use our product or become a loyal customer, or both! This is a true story, which totally amazing and inspirational, shared by Get Wrapped by Tasha . If you want to travel this amazing journey like her, inbox me or call 318-307-6560 to get started! This picture is Before and After starting my ItWorks Journey...down from a size 12 to a 6 and 30 lbs lighter...I couldnt be happier...I feel FABULOUS from the inside out!!! I started my own ItWorks Program in April 2013...I dropped 7 lbs in the first week alone...I was down 15 lbs in the first 2 months and I went from a size 12 to a size 8...I maintained that size/weight all summer long without much effort...around Thanksgiving 13 I dropped another 5lbs and another size...and then another 10 lbs by March 14 just in time for my daughters wedding...bringing my total weight loss to 30 lbs and my size down to a 6!!! No major diet changes for me...I just cut back on my diet soda intake and replaced it with water...I cant really exercise because of a major car accident where I broke all 7 vertebra in my neck, severed all the ligaments, and dislocated my head, I broke my shoulder and tore the anterior and posterior labrum, I broke my wrist and finally I have an inoperable mass/tumor in my back, all of which make it nearly impossible to work-out...I do try to walk in the nicer weather...but nothing major!!! I recently dropped more weight (I can tell by my clothes, but try not to weigh in too often because I dont want to get hung up on the numbers) I just know I feel great!!! All my target spots are melting away...bra flab, muffin top, saddle bags, etc... For the first time in my life I have been comfortable in my own skin...I look in the mirror and think pretty good for 42...but its more than that...more than just appearance alone...I have come off all IBS medication and have significantly lowered my blood pressure from a high of 192/106 to 120/80, regularly, with no its with confidence that I say, I feel GREAT from the inside out thanks to ItWorks!!! She started with the Greens, then added the Thermofit, Fat Fighers and Regular. Then, she re-introduced the wraps and have been continuing with her program by following the instructions on the bottles and wrapping, as needed, ever since. She is truly an inspiration. You can start NOW on your weight loss journey, and become an inspiration to others too! Inbox me or call 318-307-6560 for your consultation, why wait another second? wraptoba10 — with Tasha Raye Kinsman Boisvert.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 21:25:37 +0000

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