Here is an example of the letter I sent to my Congressmen this - TopicsExpress


Here is an example of the letter I sent to my Congressmen this weekend. Feel free to use it, or modify it, but I do want to get our message out to as many people as we can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Representative Greg Walden 2182 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Re: Internal Revenue Service Concerns, Representative Walden, I would like to voice my concern about the issues that have plagued the Internal Revenue Service this year. Between the targeting of certain political groups, the waste of taxpayer funds in senseless and inappropriate training materials, to the complete disarray that has affected many tax payers this year. The issues that have plagued the IRS are certainly concerning but what concerns me the most is that both sides of the house seem to be using the IRS as a pawn in a political game. While I agree that the targeting of Tea Party groups is reprehensible and steps need to be taken to ensure that this type of behavior is not allowable, I have to wonder why the media and our elected officials have expressed such outrage over such a small percentage of taxpayers, while at the same time completely ignoring a group of taxpayers that number over 600,000 people that the IRS has targeted as well. We might not be a political non-profit, instead we are students who had the audacity to file for the American Opportunity Tax Credit. I filed my taxes on Jan 28th of this year, and I have been bounced from one agency to another without anyone seeming to take an interest in the hardship that the IRS has caused. I chose to go to school to better myself and apparently the IRS decided that anyone claiming this tax credit is trying to commit fraud so our returns are stuck in limbo. The targeting of Tea Party groups has affected hundreds of people, but the IRS’s inability to properly accept form 8863 affected almost a million tax payers. Where is your outrage over this sir? Why are we not hearing how the GOP is enraged that our lowest earning citizens, the future leaders of this country, are being treated? Where are the congressional hearings over how the IRS is targeting our citizens who can least afford to have their returns delayed? We need your help, we need our elected officials to be our voice, to stand up for us while we are being ignored and in many cases outright lied to by the IRS. There are countless stories of people who have lost their homes, their vehicles, and were unable to enroll in school due to this error, but all we hear is that the IRS targeted the Tea Party. I am not suggesting that we ignore this targeting, it is wrong, but for the sake of the hundreds of thousands of us who are still affected or were affected how about we find out why this happened, and let’s get EVERYONE’S return completed. Enough excuses from the IRS, just get them done. I challenge you, respectfully, to be the one who stands up and asks for accountability on our behalf. I served my country with honor and distinction. Nothing anyone can do will ever change how I feel about the country we live in. There are times though, when I am ashamed of how we treat our own citizens. This isn’t what I fought for, it isn’t who we are. We need some serious change within the IRS, not just for what our media has found interesting, but from the top to the bottom. They are absolutely running rough shod over a group of citizens that do not deserve to be treated this way. I invite you to peruse two Facebook pages that will give you a good idea of what I am talking about and who the people are that are affected. I would be more than happy to coordinate a meeting with the people who are running these pages who seem to be the only ones that are willing to assist those of us through these troubling times. I do realize that you are a very busy man, and I do not mean to imply that you do not care, or have ignored us, I think that like many Americans you might not be aware of how many people are still waiting for their returns or how many were affected by gross negligence this year. We need to make sure that we get everyone’s 2012 returns done, and we need to ensure that this type of fiasco never happens again. Very Sincerely Yours Jon Christensen Facebook pages: https://facebook/pages/Lobby-of-8863-Filers/489399877780165 https://facebook/Club8863?fref=ts
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 06:08:10 +0000

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