Here is an excerpt from a paper I had to write for DeVry. I got - TopicsExpress


Here is an excerpt from a paper I had to write for DeVry. I got the maximum amount of points for it (8.0/8.0). I thought I would post it here for anyone who felt so inclined. Be forewarned on a word document the whole thing was 5 pages, I only am posting the core of it (one page). Technology and the changes it brings us can have a very big effect on our lives. Some of the most influential impacts come from devices that are used in everyday aspects, where others are never even seen. Many of these devices have only been around for less than twenty years, yet life without them for many is unthinkable. Think long and hard when was the last time you went a day without your precious cellphone, computer or other digital device? Many people in the world are glued to their cellphones. It is their link to the world; whether it be through the internet, texting, calling someone up, or even using a camera function cellphones (in particular smartphones) have become one of the most integrated technology in our society. As you read this you may or may not have had the gut instinct to touch or look at your phone, it is human nature and imprinted in our social behavior to acknowledge our cellphones when they are even mentioned, they have become so important to us that they are more insured than houses are for flood insurance. We abuse technology so much so with our cell phones we have turned them into an omni-key in order to activate everything from our houses to our cars. Our endeavors for technological supremacy does not stop short at cell phones, it only begins however as we dive into laptops, personal computers and tablets. Devices that we use to such a degree that we spend so much time on that we tend to ignore the world to the point of addiction and has actually been deemed a mental health disorder by other countries. ( (netaddiction).With the ability to delve into almost endless knowledge and the almost seamless world of exploration at our fingertips it is hard to resist sometimes. Many fail to moderate themselves and find themselves at the brink of some kind of addiction to a technological vice. These vices though from our laptops, tablets and personal computers are not all bad however, the leap in technology is astounding. We all have a varied breed of what each can do modified and personalized to our own tastes and needs. Whether one is a gamer, researcher, enthusiast, all of the above, or searching for something new, the technology is there to expand upon. The pace of technology moves in such a way that humans cannot keep up, and a new model is out before the old can even be unpacked. Each era getting more powerful, yet smaller in design more efficient, capable of handling so much more, emulating as much as the imagination can handle, yet falling short of the most important feature. Moderation. Unfortunately our society as a whole is not capable of handling such responsibility without being eased into it. The continuing bursting of technology is harmful and destructive, making people more reliant on it and less likely to handle things for themselves. Even with a perfect society a structure that remains whole is as strong as its weakest park, and with that breeding immaturity through progress is a dangerous task. I believe that through proper moderation technology should be advanced and companies should continue their progress, I am a firm supporter in that. I also believe that a singular individuals are capable of handling technology to its fullest potential in a positive manner. What I do not agree with is that technology at its current rate is having a positive influence on our society. My reasoning behind this stems from three major reasons. The first being the immaturity of social media and the impact that it has on the youth of America. People do not treat it appropriately, it is used for bullying and a means for transmitting amoral behaviors far too often instead of its intended use. The second reason being the addiction caused from the internet that far too many are suffering from. Unfortunately there is not enough education into the proper course on how to use the internet appropriately and it has caused people to have real life problems. The third and final and final reason I have for believing that technology has a negative impact on our society is how easily it is for identities to be stolen online. The crime rate and other illegal actions and problems caused from internet activity is exponential. There is no governing force patrolling the internet and no jurisdiction. There is plenty of hope for technology, it just needs to be used with caution. Used unwisely people will have problems and cause chaos. Used wisely it will open our worlds to the future. I have hope that our society can become wiser and have the latter come true, but maybe I am an optimist. Let us all do our part to ensure that technology is not misused, for ourselves and for those ahead of us, we owe it to the future.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 03:59:26 +0000

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