Here is an extract of the file, The Patterson Idea. This extract - TopicsExpress


Here is an extract of the file, The Patterson Idea. This extract focuses on the theory that the mounds, and stone arrangements were caused by a meteorite, The Patterson Idea: Slater told that the language in the stone arrangement and its description of how the Bundjalung arrived in the area, ‘Guided by truth, man came to earth through darkness from light of life that shines afar off.” My idea is that mounds and stones were a product of cosmogenics. They were created, centuries ago by a meteorite. Possibly in 1520, after it was seen falling brightly from the sky, a wave of water hit the eastern coast of Australia. The wave generated from its impact into the Pacific Ocean, caused a catastrophe and a dark age for the Aboriginal people and left behind a series of curious circles and lines of made from odd pieces of rock and strange shapes on the terrain. My Mega-Tsunami theory supposes that the tsunami’s massive waves, wiped out a huge extent of the population and washed these stones up onto these mounds, in patterns of circles and lines. These stone arrangements, and the mounds, were probably formed by massive spiraling waves. In the past 10,000 years at least 10 mega-tsunamis have struck the eastern coast of Australia. Australian geomorphologist, Ted Bryant, of the University of Wollongong, claims this. Bryant was quoted by ABC Online as saying that the mega-tsunamis of yore were at least 10 times bigger than the December 26,2004 Asian tsunami. The waves it emits move at the speed of a jet aircraft. Bryant says other evidence of a mega-tsunami as recently as 500 years ago has been found on the eastern coast of Australia. In 1989, Bryant was examining regions along the New South Wales coastline and found giant boulders, some the size of shipping containers and weighing almost 100 tons, moved 33 meters above sea level. Further fieldwork found gravel dunes on a 130-meter-high headland and other massive boulders more than 100 meters inland. Bryant then examined bedrock that had been savagely eroded and found that headlands carved into inverted toothbrushes, where a gap had been roughly gouged in the middle, existed from Cairns in the far northeast to Victoria in the south. Using dating techniques, Bryant argues there is evidence that eastern Australia was struck by a 100-meter high, mega-tsunami around 1500. His idea has been recently criticized, ‘…Dr Bryant created a geo-fantasy about a meteor that he said exploded in the sky above Tapanui, west of Dunedin, around 1500…He is desperately searching for some evidence for his possible events, which are incorrectly dated anyway, 02/07/2004. ‘Expedition hunts giant meteor.’ The New Zealand Herald. Other evidence suggests that the Mahuika underwater crater, in the ocean just off New Zealand, was made by this meteorite, ‘It is argued that the impact which created the Mahuika crater occurred around 1443 AD, but other sources have placed the date as 13 February 1491 AD. Some evidence suggests that the tsunami it caused was observed by aborigines and entered into their mythology. ‘ Wkipedia. The appearance of this meteor might coincide with the Aboriginal accounts of light in the sky coming to Earth. Professor Bryant, the Australian scientist, described the first views of the mega-tsunami as it hit the east coast, ‘You would see the horizon starting to lift up. And within about a minute you’d see it moving towards you. And at this headland you’d probably see a wall of water 20 metres high or more.’ Ted Bryant . ABC story archive for Asteroid Tsunami. (24/10/2002) Carbon dating indicates a great fire ravaged New Zealand at the time that the tsunami is said to have struck, giving further weight to the theory of a comet. This asteroid impact in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand has been dated to the 1520s by various other sources. It is said to account for the loss of 100 Chinese ships that had just set off to navigate the world. Without anything like the Internet, medieval Europeans, on the other hand, didn’t even know it happened. They were concerned more about the number of the year, than a big far way wave, ‘The year was seen as being especially important by many Christians in Europe, who thought it would bring the beginning of the end of the world. Their belief was based on the phrase half-time after the time, when the apocalypse was due to occur, which appears in the Book of Revelation and was seen as referring to 1500.’ Wikipedia. 2014. The meteorite, that struck the Pacific ocean, was jettisoned by an unstable asteroid belt. It passes close to earth with roughly a 1 in five chance of creating a tsunami of such magnitude, every 120 years. It could have happened again in 1770, only a few years before Cook’s ‘discovery’ of Australia. It could have happened in 1880, just on the end of the near genocidal wars the British fought against the original inhabitants. We were the lucky country again in 2000. In 2010 most scientist doubt that the Mahuika crater was even caused by a meteor even though they have not given a satisfactory answer for the existence of it. Whatever it was managed to vaporized any water near it and left an impact crater in the undersea crust twenty kilometers wide and 120 meter deep. The comet is said to have struck in 300 meter deep water on the continental shelf 250km south of New Zealand at 48.38 S, 166.4 8 E. The comet was between ½ to one and half kilometers long and moving at 51 kilometers per second. The impact would have measured 8.2 on the Richter scale. When, in the early years of the 16th century, these vast waves supposedly hit the island coastline of Australia, What would have felt like a solid wall rushing at 720 kilometer per hour, and near supersonic speed, moved inland. It stirred and lifted huge boulders. as if they were pebbles. The wave washed over heights of up to 130 meters above normal sea level. To such a fluid force, boulders, rock and surface stones of many tones would be gathered from areas hundreds of kilometers in size. This force would have had the capability of smash boulders together into dust. The speed of the water would have eviscerated, the majority, of easily around a million, people in a matter of the seconds. The only few inhabitants, would have been those who had happened to be sheltering, where the bedrock formed the greatest barriers to the waves, would soon drown. The extinct super volcano, Mt. Warning, created this particular area of the country. Its vast calendar, gives this small part of Australia a steeply sloping terrain. This is unusual, for its close approximation to the coast and gives a reason why Mullumbimby is less than twenty kilometers to Byron Bay. This popular tourist resort city is at the Eastern Most point in Australia, Mt Warning, which many aboriginal people consider to be sacred, is so close to shore that the peak of its central one kilometer high volcanic plug, receives the first light of day, on the Australian continent. The huge caldera surrounds the, 100km wide, Tweed Valley. This area would have been made an inland sea between two sunrises and existed for weeks, if not months Most of the few survivors from the tsunami’s initial onslaught drowned soon after. Only those who had congregated, on the areas of land with the most corrugation, would have been saved. After so much death from the distant groan of an earthquake or collision with a meteorite, Those meager few, living on the highest eastern-most slopes, had clung to life during the initial towering walls of water hitting them at near the speed of sound. A precious few mountain people, who had hid in the folds of lava that has been cold for 20 million years, escaped extinction, by a mountain that blew up when molten lava flowed over the bodies of mighty dinosaur. Of the, perhaps less one percent of people left, most would now be drowned by a leviathan like deluge of receding water of biblical proportions. Most of these people would have drowned in the next few hours, or forever lost to sea. The town of Mullumbimby being, situated in a sub-tropical region, with its with a wet-land and rainforest flora and seasons, is used to floods. Even Queen Elizabeth II, has been affected by them. In 1954 her Highness was trapped in the nearby town of Lismore. Even with the quick evacuation of residents, some still sadly drowned. This devastating flood was caused by up to 800mm of rain falling, in some areas, in 48 hours. A wave of water equivalent to this would be less than a meter high, and moving 625 meters per hour. The narrow gorges and high waterfalls, featured in the far eastern corner of NSW. The mountainous landscape’s natural undulation and peaks ringed by absorbent marshland, allowed for water to be dispersed rapidly under normal conditions. But the fast moving cyclone, which hit with high intensity and long duration, made an inundation that tore down homes and tore roads apart. In the flood of 1520, a high wall of water hit this same area, and much of the east coast. This incoming ocean that did not break like waves on a beach do. Instead it swamped the area of what is now Byron Shire, and neighbouring ones, in a little as three minutes. Only a few persons, from tribes inhabiting the peaks of Mt Warning and Mt Jerusalem, might have lived to have witnessed the sea momentarily break through the cloud cover as it lapped its high mountain shores. A few, allowed by the grace of a higher power, saw the floodwaters, carrying an ocean covered in 60 meter red cedar trees, up to their front yard. The tsunami, as described by scientists, was almost a 100 times higher, and a thousand times faster. A surging short-lived inland sea of water went as far inland as the diameter of most major cities. Most of the wave’s long-term effect would have been simply crushing and grinding the landscape beneath it. Waters in the bowl shaped valleys would have swirled, carrying rock debris, helping to tear at the basalt and sandstone bedrock. When, after taking perhaps months to subside, emptying lakes and spouting waterfalls and springs, the maelstroms would slowly cease, having, like undersea tornadoes, gathered together many types of stone. These would have spiraled within the centrifugal force of these vortexes. The waves smashed these rocks, some the size of busses, into each other. It broke others apart or in short time wore stones, many weighing many kilograms, as smooth as pebbles. These whirlpools and secondary vortices where highly erosional, and able to cut even rock in a circular path. As the waters receded, new mounds of foreign soil would have formed, and the rotating water would have strewn an assorted collection of rocks into circular patterns, connected by other rocks set waving lines, made from the retreating waves. There would be seen different stones, a few weighing tones, resting, lined up at points where the monstrous incoming and outgoing titanic waves, receded and lapped. In some cases, even giant boulders, have been found in such pattern. Bryant, an associate professor said, ‘And another thing these boulders are aligned. They’re aligned like dominos and they all point back in that south-east direction.’ ABC As expected, in a hilly country, many mounds would become decorated with circles of sharp and smooth stones, of varying type. Wavy, snaking lines of stones would connect many circles. In other places it would look like the dream time serpent itself had moved across the land. Professor Bryant told how the sheer weight of the water would cause bubbles air itself to drill serpentine patterns into the ground up to 20 meters deep in less than a minute. We know that if the water moves fast enough it has air bubbles in it and they’re very unstable and they instantly collapse at 30,000 atmospheres pressure and when they collapse they can just chew through solid bedrock. But the flows moving so you get these snakelike features that have been carved into the bedrock as well. ABC. The stones would often be standing upright wedged into the earth, as they hurtled from high above, through the salt water, to the newly shaped ground. When the meteoric current water, finally released the suspended stones, tens of meters above the ground, would dart back to earth. When the few inland inhabitants, who lived in the driest place on Earth, came to the area around where is now Bryon and Mullumbimby, they would have found the people almost entirely vanished. The wretched survivors of 1520 would have spoken of a bright fiery light. The friction of the atmosphere would have heated the meteor to 5000 degrees. This light many moons before, seemed to come to earth. Heralding the sea’s invasion of the land. Most would recall it as seeing a sign, containing knowledge of a kind of Armageddon. If the product of the New Zealand meteor is these giant stone circles, then connecting them to the Pleiades is not far from the truth. They were, truly, celestially caused. Then, until the coming of Europeans, about three centuries later, these strange structures stood. All that was left of a forgotten age were giant rings and trails of stones. All poking out seemingly magically from the long grass, of treeless hills. There is little wonder that the culture that grew out of all this, revered these places, they may have adopted them for use in ceremonies for they markers for great truth and power, containing wisdom in lessons concerning humankind’s power and frailty. All this preserved in these alien crops of stone circles. Patterson. 2015
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:13:15 +0000

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