Here is an interesting Youtube interview - TopicsExpress


Here is an interesting Youtube interview but it also serves as another example of how an equal partnership such as that of Akhenaten and Nefertiti with Nefertiti being only mentioned as a his-storical footnote, even though almost every image/sculpture we find of Akhenaten we see his wife/queen Nefertiti beside him and also often depicted as an entire family unit is only remember for her great beauty. I see here a partnership between these two, just as I see a partnership between Mary M and Jesus, just as we see throughout history that behind every great man there is a great woman whose face is usually eraced: Yahweh and his Asherah, etc. We could go on and on but none the less this youtube interview is interesting but not original. I read another interesting and very well done book by Ahmed Osmen many years ago, entitled Moses and Akhenaten” where the author builds a very good case that Moses and Akhenaten are actually one and the same. It seems that during the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, he and his wife Queen Nefertiti (still a footnote) were able to abolish the complex pantheon of the ancient Egyptian religion and replace it with a single god, the Aten, who had no image or form. I would contend that this notion would be more aligned with a formless/genderless perfect energy concept that was used by Lahma’s queen when we note that the Anunakki King who preceded Alalu and Anus, wife exclaimed “beseech the creator.” These Nibiran leaders certainly didn’t think of themselves as gods or goddesses, just advanced beings where a knowledge of life science and genetics was understood by Ninmah who would first put it into practice in the creation of Adamu and Tiamat (Adam and Eve) and later Adapa and Titi (the second Adam and Eve) here on planet Earth. We are confused today because of this history/her-story emerging from clay tablets and scrolls. Seizing on the striking similarities between the religious vision of this heretic pharaoh and the teachings of Moses, Sigmund Freud was the first to argue that Moses was in fact an Egyptian. For me it was Ahmed Osman who first brought this concept public as far as I am concerned because it was who used recent archaeological discoveries and historical documents, to support the hypothesis he formulated that Akhenaten and Moses were one and the same man. I really enjoyed the retelling of the Exodus story, by Osman who details the events of Moses/Akhenatens life: how he was brought up by Israelite relatives (perhaps and this my contention that it was really his own mother who claimed him because of the shame of perhaps giving birth parthenogencally as well as the thread of the destruction of male babies). We know Ahenaten ruled Egypt for seventeen years with Nefertiti by his side and they both angered many of their subjects by replacing the traditional Egyptian pantheon with worship of the genderless Aten. They were both forced to abdicate their thrones. Osman contends that it was Akhenaten who retreated to the Sinai with his Egyptian and Israelite supporters, and died out of the sight of his followers, presumably at the hands of Seti I, after an unsuccessful attempt to regain his throne. I don’t think we have clear evidence today that the remains of either Akhenaten or Nefertiti have ever been exumed. Osman reveals the Egyptian components in the monotheism preached by Moses as well as his use of Egyptian royal ritual and Egyptian religious expression. He shows that even the Ten Commandments betray the direct influence of Spell 125 in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Moses and Akhenaten provides a radical challenge to long-standing beliefs concerning the origin of Semitic religion and the puzzle of Akhenatens deviation from ancient Egyptian tradition. In fact, if Osmans contentions are correct, many major Old Testament figures would be of Egyptian origin. Here in this Youtube video we see a hint to this possibility but not much more than that. Also see And trionfopublishing/Matthew/Evidence_from_Matthew_that_Moses_was_Akhenaten.htm however there is far more to the circumcision subject that what is suggested here because Adamu was born from Ninmah’s womb with foreskin whereas the Anunakki/Nibiran men did not have foreskin. It is more likely that the circumcision was a way to mark the followers of Enlil/yahweh. What a tangled web this entire story becomes as we study the Sumerian texts and read between the lines.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 20:26:17 +0000

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