Here is an interesting video that Onika Nugent presented to me in - TopicsExpress


Here is an interesting video that Onika Nugent presented to me in one of my threads. She claims that it shows that logic doesnt always get it right. Im tagging her so she can see my fuller position on this video. For one thing, over the past several months, if not longer, Ive been trying to say and to show that deductive logic (what is traditionally called logic as handed down from Aristotle) is not the broadest conception of the term, but rather Ayn Rand came up with a broader term, that logic is non-contradictory identification (which works for induction as was as deduction). In other words, any time one is observing existence and making identifications that are non-contradictory, one is using logic even though one is not necessarily using the deductive syllogism. But on this video, scientists are actually appalled at reality that it does not comply with their prior conception, and then they claim there is something fundamentally flawed with reality. What they were trying to do was to show a relationship between the very large (Relativity) and the very small (Quantum Mechanics) **without identifying any relationship between the two based on observations**. They just decided to combine the equations from both, that didnt lead to viable mathematical results, so they conclude there is something wrong with existence. I cannot think of anything more rationalistic than this, and it gives both physics and logic a bad name that physicists claim they were being logical and reality did not comply with their wishes. Without any facts demonstrating a relationship between the very large and the very small, one has little or nothing to go on in an effort to create a natural law equation that will relate the two. Its really just guessing, and that is not what they did when they came up with the equations relating electricity and magnetism known as electro-magnetism. No, what they did was they **observed** that a changing electric current would lead to a jumping magnetic compass needle, studied that relationship, and then came up with new equations. But evidently modern physicists choose not to take this more rational approach and just want to combine totally unrelated fields into one equation without evidence to support their attempts. And I have to say this is not good physics and it stems from bad philosophy that says reality doesnt really exist anyhow, so why study the facts (aka Kants philosophy). Logic, in its most encompassing expression, is non-contradictory identification of the facts of reality as given by observation. It most certainly is *not* putting together whatever you want to in your mind and then claiming there is a problem with reality when you get garbage results by doing that. https://youtube/watch?v=wHHz4mB9GKY
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 22:15:51 +0000

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