Here is an unscheduled post. In keeping with my very convincing - TopicsExpress


Here is an unscheduled post. In keeping with my very convincing portrayal of knot being being exactly the brightest light bulb in the pack, or the quickest match to get lit, or the smartest chimp in the cage, or the best candidate to play in the NBA,,,,,,all this because, Im really knot acting atall-- Ive just discovered a list of POKERS, all from several months ago. When I joined FBk a few years ago, I now recall some obvious reference to POKING. At some point, I no longer saw any reference to POKING. So, its been a very long time since Ive even thought about POKING. When I did get poked, I never poked back because I never knew what the commitment meant and therefore, what it entailed. THEREFORE, in spite of the comment Miss Julie Angel would probably make now, that I think too much, Id encourage you to offer an essay on: FACEBOOK POKING: TO POKE OR KNOT TO POKE Specifically, I am looking for input on the following: >Have you ever poked? >Have you ever been poked? >Have you ever poked with your own gender? >Have you poked with someone much younger/older? >If you still currently poke, does it mean as much as it once did? >Do you feel underpoked? Or do you care if youre ever poked again? And of special interest to me from other non-pokers/pokees: >Do you have any degree of regret at having never poked--such as sobbing yourself to sleep over it? Or gaining over 75 pounds as a result? >Did you ever awaken suddenly and realized youd been having a poke dream? >Do you feel self-esteem issues played any role in your pokelessness? Finally, if you have additional essay time and fervor: >Do you think poking should be part of the public school curricula? If so, as a solid subject that counts towards graduation, with a final exam, etc; or as, say, an extra-curricular activity? >If Face Book wished to start charging for poking, but ONLY for poking, and knot being poked, would you pay? If so, how much? >Would you like Face Book to enable a group poking capability? I know by now that I neednt say this, but, if perchance youve just tuned in here by mistake, I promise to read *each & every* poking essay that is posted here, REGARDLESS of the time it will take me! I checked my calendar and I see nothing even penciled in to do or have to do till around Nov. of 2019--when I need to go to the S.S. office to see about something. Otherwise, Im good to go! And again, it goes without saying that I totally understand if you choose to pass on writing about poking. If you pass on this essay, never fear! You may be interested in one of my next essay requests: >Did you ever discover a portion of your electricity in the house was dead, so you went to the old 60 amp service down in the dank basement and discovered all fuses were OK, but by turning one that had become mysteriously loose, your electricity was restored? >Do you know what what means, to Miss New Orleans? https://youtube/watch?v=Y78p9yM0iho
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:12:19 +0000

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