Here is an update from Washington State lawmaker Jason Overstreet, - TopicsExpress


Here is an update from Washington State lawmaker Jason Overstreet, a witness to todays hearing involving Erica May and Cleave Ring and their three precious babies: UPDATE: The Rengo Family placement hearing was Friday morning at 9 a.m.. The political pressure being exerted by an outraged public is very obviously reverberating from the Governors office on down. The state wrapped up within 20 minutes, trying at the close of their argument to introduce new exhibits showing medical problems with one of the babies. The only problem was that the diagnosis for pneumonia, ear infections and reflux were well after the babies had been removed from their breast feeding mother. The State fumbled, with the defense objecting to the haphazard manner in which the State introduced those documents. The State, realizing its mistake, withdrew one of the documents and moved on. At that point the defense team proceeded to systematically disassemble the States premise--the family argues; there are mental health issues in the home; and the parents werent adequately using the rash cream. When the defense questioned the CPS supervisor as to whether or not the parents religious beliefs were a consideration in this case, the State objected and the commissioner was very leery of the issue, demanding that the defense proceed carefully. Ill leave you to think about that one. The State is on thin ice and they know it. At one point during cross-examination, being pointedly questioned by one of the defense attorneys asking incredibly damaging questions to the States case, the court commissioner had to ask the CPS supervisor on the stand to speak up because your voice is fading. Mine would have been fading too. This is not a comfortable conversation, its true. I shudder the horror of your family, or mine, under a microscope of the bureaucracy that is CPS. Please pray for the family and all involved, that all would have clarity and that justice would prevail.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:09:00 +0000

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