Here is an update from an OE member involved in coordinating the - TopicsExpress


Here is an update from an OE member involved in coordinating the sit-in. Outdoor Ed is posting this to inform you of a campus movements of significance to many members of this community. From my perspective as the Director of Outdoor Ed, my heart is warmed by OE involvement in this demonstration that has been well planned, well executed, peaceful and powerful. Its wonderful to see Colgate students trying to impact their community in a positive way. Dear Outdoor Education Alumni, A group of current Outdoor Education students are involved in a sit-in protest at Colgate that has been going since 8 AM Monday morning to address discrimination and exclusion issues on campus. A group of 120 has spent two nights here, and hundreds of students and professors join us during the day. Were reaching out to alumni right now, and I was wondering if youd support our cause. Ive attached our mission statement with updates from the sit-in, links to social media, and our list of recommendations for the administration. Well be hearing the administrations responses to our proposals at 11 AM today. Even if these demands are voted by the sit-in to be adequate to end the demonstration, the movement will continue as campus culture takes years of cooperation and coalition-building to change. If youd like to support us, let me or acccolgate@gmail know as we have a list of alumni to keep updating, and a list of ways you can help us. In terms of what you can do right now, were asking everyone to call or email Dean Suzy Nelson, Dean Douglas Hicks and President Jeffery Herbst expressing support and calling for change on the issues were raising. President Herbst: 315-228-7444 Dean Nelson: 315-228-7425 Dean Hicks: 315-228-7222 Thank you for your time and help, Skylar Lindsay I have included screen shots of the attachments as I see no other way to include them. If you want these as word documents, please email me: [email protected] (Abby).
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:42:31 +0000

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