Here is another Great Awesome sermon GOD used me to write HE - TopicsExpress


Here is another Great Awesome sermon GOD used me to write HE really wants me to share and pass around to HIS children. GOD Who is HE? This is a sermon to know GOD, HIS nature and character, intimately and personally. First of all, GOD is The One True living God. GOD is The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End. GOD began and created time, space, and all reality itself. GOD is The Creator of all physical and spiritual life forms alike. All things come from GOD. GOD made it possible for you to breathe, for your joints to function, for your blood to keep flowing, for you to be able to see, witness, and know one another. HE also made it possible to smile, to be happy, to laugh and to love one another. GOD came up with and created love, laughter, happiness, and smiles. When you do anything, it is GODs power in action. GOD makes everything happen for a reason. When anything happens, it is GODs will for you in CHRIST JESUS in action. GOD is the embodiment and Deity of all Good things. GOD is Holy. He is unable to do anything wrong or bad. GOD is Good all the time. Although, HIS Goodness is way too great and high to fully understand. GOD is loving and compassionate. GOD himself is the best definition of Love. GOD is Holy, but HE is broken-hearted over the suffering of HIS children. HIS tender, compassionate heart motivates HIS saving grace and constant mercies to be directed toward us. HIS Love is greater than any mother, father, wife, or husband who has ever lived. HE is loyal, gracious, merciful, and long-suffering. GOD has a capacity to forgive and forget our faults more than any human ever could. The Lord is good to all who love HIM, to those whose hope is in HIM, and to the one who seeks HIM diligently. HIS Love and mercy are over all HIS works. GOD wants what is best and brightest for HIS children. HIS generous loving heart longs to provide HIS children the utmost very best life possible that HE can come up with and create for them. GODs ultimate form of HIS Love to HIS children is in HIS One True Perfect SON JESUS CHRIST. The same GOD who loved us so much that HE sent HIS One True Perfect SON to die for us still loves us as much today and forever more. GOD is unchangeable. HIS holiness, truth, character, and nature are unchangeable. GOD is not unstable or moody. Rather, GOD is the most stable, secure, steadfast, firm, constant personality in the universe. He will never be corrupted. HIS Love never changes. HIS commitment to HIS children never changes. HIS One True Perfect SON JESUS would not let any false evil thing get inside HIS head. Once you understand this, you will have greater security within. GOD is omnipotent. JESUS said to HIS disciples, With men this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible. You never have to feel hopeless about a problem or circumstance that you are facing. GOD has all power and is able to set you free and to give you the super-natural ability to live above your circumstances. GOD is The Sovereign Lord Most High above all. HE has power over the devil, sin, man, and nature. GOD is in control of all. HE makes everything happen for a reason. Nothing is too difficult for Almighty GOD. There is nothing-not one thing, that HE cannot do. GOD is omniscient. For if your heart condemns you, GOD is greater that your heart, and knows all things. There isnt any area of knowledge, reality, or truth that GOD doesnt know and fully understand. GOD knows the reason HE created us in our mothers wombs. HE knows every hurt and fear hidden inside our hearts. HE knows every sin of our past and present. HE also knows the hidden sins of our lives that no one else is aware of. GOD also knows the future of each one of HIS children and the path each one of HIS children should take for victory and success. GOD is The One and only True One worthy of knowing what is best, right, and true for HIS children. With HIS Love, Goodness, Holy, and Omniscient characters and natures, GOD is The One True Judge who is worthy of judging people justly, righteously, and respectfully. Once you grasp the fact that GOD knows all things, it should produce in you a willingness to trust HIS leadership and authority. GOD knows everything about HIS children, good and bad, and still loves HIS children deeply and wants to have an intimate personal relationship with them. This is the measure of HIS Love. GOD is omnipresent. GOD has said, Never will I leave; never will I forsake you. HE also said, I am with you always, to the end of the age. You can never be any place or situation in your life where GOD isnt with you. HE has been with you since the moment HE came up with you in HIS mind, when HE created you, and when HE sent you down to earth. HIS presence is an intimate personal presence designed to draw you into a close personal relationship with HIM, through HIS SON JESUS. As you understand HIS presence with you and begin to acknowledge it, it will change your concept of GOD from a distant being in Heaven to a personal GOD intimately walking with you through every valley, mountain, and obstacle in life. GOD is faithful. He who began a good work in you is faithful in HIS good work and will bring it into completion to the day of JESUS CHRIST. The Lord is faithful to all HIS promises and loving toward all HE has made. The Lord is faithful. HE will establish you and guard you against the evil one. HE who called you is faithful, who will also do it. When GOD makes a covenant or a promise, it is impossible for HIM to break that promise. When GOD begins a work in our lives, HE is faithful to continue that work, even when we fail. He is faithful to forgive us when we confess our sins and ask for HIS forgiveness. HE is faithful to answer our prayers, as long as we put our faith in HIM and HIM alone. GOD is faithful to provide for us and to lead us, as long as we look to HIM as our Shepherd and Provider. We never need to worry about the faithfulness of GOD. HE is the most faithful friend we will ever have. GOD is greater that our enemies. If GOD is for us, who could ever triumph over us. HE who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. The Eternal GOD is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms. HE will drive out your enemies before you. You never have reason to worry about your enemies triumphant over you. GOD will not let your foot be caught. GOD will not anyone snatch you out of HIS hands. HE will not let anyone do unto you other than HIS will for you. You do not know how lucky you are to have GOD by your side. GOD is The Father of all HIS chosen child creations. JESUS said it in Matthew 23:9, And do not call anyone on earth father, for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. What GOD wants for HIS children out of this scripture is to know that GOD is himself their One True Father and Creator and that they are HIS sons and daughters and HIS Family of One. GOD is The One True living Being worthy of bringing out the very best of HIS children, to bring them up to their full potential. HE is also The One and only One worthy of seeing, knowing, and fully understanding the full value of HIS children and to carry out the full responsibility of having and holding onto HIS children and the value that they are. To picture GOD in your mind, imagine a giant Holy, Beautiful, Good, Heavenly Being figure with blinding bright colorful light shining and radiating from within himself. To picture GOD in your mind as The Lord Sovereign most high above all, picture you here on earth and GOD standing right in front of you. You like a tiny little speck of dust and GOD so giant and humongous, growing to greater heights ever so more. Once you understand this imagination of GOD, it will begin to produce in you greater humility unto HIM through JESUS. There is really no limit or end to the nature and character of GOD. GOD longs to provide the very best of HIS unending Goodness and ability, but the asking and the seeking HIM to the utmost highest-or the faith-assurance and the patient anticipation, is necessary, because to us that contact with HIM is vital. We never will know or fully understand how blessed, rich, lucky, and wealthy we are to know and have GOD as everything HE is and wants to be unto us, HIS children. The One and only way to get to know GOD the very best that you can while on earth is JESUS, doing What JESUS Would Do by giving all that GOD has made you and given you to HIM through JESUS himself, The WAY and The TRUTH and The Life; also, The One and only Way to The Father, GOD.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 01:31:58 +0000

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