Here is another review from a client just received: After a - TopicsExpress


Here is another review from a client just received: After a lifetime of “allowing myself to feel” the symptoms of social anxiety - to varying degrees, I finally got fed up with the situation and was determined to fix things. I was sick and tired of blushing and periodic episodes of sweating in social and business situations. Moreover, I felt that my social anxiety was affecting other areas of my life but was unsure of how and to what extent. I searched on the internet with the intention of researching this problem and finding a quick fix. After beginning to work with Daniel, I discovered that there was no quick fix; only some hard, yet basic work, on myself that had to be done – by me and for me. Daniel guided me through the Thrive programme by first helping me uncover and come to terms with some seemingly innocuous, yet significantly emotional, traumatic episodes that I had as a child. After these events were acknowledged and dealt with, we moved on to managing my thinking habits and eliminating negative and unhelpful thoughts. Concurrently, Daniel helped me focus on the enjoyment of life’s victories that I had been having - yet was unaware of. Apparently, if processed effectively, the brain can’t distinguish between getting a big promotion at work and getting a compliment from a client. The end result is the same level of increased emotional well-being. In addition to implementing other basic tools, I am now in charge of managing my own self-esteem levels and increasing my self-efficacy. With respect to social anxiety, I have greatly improved my ability to interact comfortably with others in social situations. While there have been some “blips,” I am thriving in most situations that would have previously been problematic for me. I sometimes even seek out situations that would have previously unsettled me. The quality of my business and my personal interactions has improved greatly. From time to time (unexpectedly) I do allow myself to feel social anxiety and take full responsibility for these occasions. Invariably, these minor setbacks are due to me not managing my thinking as effectively as I have capably demonstrated in the past. I continue to implement and expand upon the tools that the Thrive programme has given me, such as: affirmations, being grateful, visualization, reframing, and positive recall. I fully expect to use the Thrive tools to manage my thinking for all the days of my life and eliminate even the mere prospect of social anxiety from my experiences. It is up to me and fully in my control. I plan to continue working with Daniel via Skype for any needed tune-ups and reinforcement of the Thrive methods. In addition to dealing with social anxiety, I have had surprising and significant gains in other areas of life. Daniel helped me identify and manage the compulsive traits of my personality. Prior to the programme, I had difficulties maintaining a healthy body weight and my expanding waist size was causing intermittent high blood pressure readings. In addition to my existing exercise and nutrition regime, my ability to manage my thoughts and compulsive personality traits allowed me to reduce my stress levels, binge drinking, and eating setbacks. My body weight/composition has improved considerably and my blood pressure readings are “athletic.” I still occasionally enjoy a cheat meal and a night out for drinks, but these are under control and not a compulsive reflex to make myself feel “safe.” Other unexpected gains have appeared in my social life, love life, and dealing with conflict. I have embraced “saying yes to saying no.” I am much stronger at getting the outcomes that I want and am managing my time more effectively. I am making better decisions that are based on clearer thinking and self-awareness. Finally, prior to finding Thrive, I used to allow myself to feel depressed (accompanied with a bottle of wine) – all the while blaming it on work, personal disappointments, or the winter darkness. I can’t recall a time since I started working with Daniel that I could say “I was depressed.” I am dealing with life’s inevitable setbacks and challenges just fine. We all have heard of the saying “you are what you eat” – how true! It’s also true that “you feel what you are thinking.” Thanks to Daniel’s guidance through the Thrive programme (and my efforts!), I feel a hell of a lot better. What’s more, if feels great to know that I am in control of how I feel. Be well ! David
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 12:26:28 +0000

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