Here is food for thought. Everyone that believes that Obama - TopicsExpress


Here is food for thought. Everyone that believes that Obama is/has always been ineligible to be President based upon his citizenship status and refused to accept the Supreme Court decision on this matter think about this. What would happen if all of the sudden you were proven right and he was in fact not eligible to be president? Lets examine this unlikely scenario. Lets examine the repercussions shall we? Everything that has had Obamas signature that carries the force of law becomes instantly invalid. That means every law, yes Obamacare too, is unconstitutional by virtue of never having been legitimately enacted because Obama was ineligible to be president and his signature is worthless. Since Obama would not be eligible to be president that means the vice president will become president right? Wrong, because the president and vice-president are elected together so the entire election of them both are invalid. So who becomes president? Why the speaker of the house of course. Oh and lets not forget all the money they have shelled out since Obama took office. Since all spending measures have to be approved by Congress and signed into law by the president, that means all of the money was illegally spent. And in the wonderful world of government mistakes uncle sugar has to take back all that money from everyone that received it. It doesnt matter if it was their fault or not the money has to be paid back by the people that received it. Which means that everyone on the government payroll has just been put into debt by thousands of dollars because of a mistake not of their doing. This includes our nations heroes, everyone that has received unemployment benefits, social security, VA disability and food stamp recipients. This will plunge the whole country into a financial crisis that will make the great depression look like a cakewalk. Now I suppose this catastrophy could be avoided if Congress and the newly sworn in President aka the speaker of the house were to work together and create one mother of all legislation to immediately validate all said laws. But think about this, if they fought so hard against the present administration what is to stop the other side of the aisle from doing the same under the new administration? In short what will actually change?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:02:35 +0000

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