Here is how Groundhog Day relates to the Illuminati. In the - TopicsExpress


Here is how Groundhog Day relates to the Illuminati. In the movie, Bill Murrays character lives the same day over and over again. In so doing he is able to determine recurring patterns that happen repeatedly for him, while happening only once for everybody else. For them, there is no pattern, only a single one time event. As he lives this day consecutively, through trial and error, he comes to learn intimate things about the day that no one else could possibly ever know because they do not have the time. For them, tomorrow comes and changes everything, but for him it never comes and everything remains exactly the same allowing him to analyze it, test it and study it. In our real lives I believe all things could ultimately be known if one had an infinite amount of time to examine things and study them. Of course, none of us have this kind of time as everything that lives ultimately dies. As individuals we are all only capable of examining what we have the time to examine and study. Alone we can only do a single ones work but if we collaborate with others and share truthful information, we can cover twice as much ground with regard to learning. This is the importance of love. If we could achieve love as a collective species, we could work together to share knowledge and evolve the species at mind-blowing speed. Currently, this isnt being done because we are strategically kept divided by the Powers that I will now address. The truth is absolute, this is a fact. Our job is to find it. Once we have it we can add it to our knowledge in order to see larger portions of the complete reality. This is why knowledge is power, because it aligns our minds with the mechanics of the universe. The Illuminati is called such because they have knowledge we do not have. Through the oaths of Secret Societies they have been able to collaborate as individuals in order to share knowledge, which allows them to advance beyond the current awareness state of the general public. Not only do they share knowledge between one another during their lifetime, but they also share knowledge received from the dead. Not through seance, but through writings. Because of their strict order, men that came before them have written down truths they discovered for the benefit of the men that live today. This will make them like the Bill Murray character as compared to us. They know things about the human potential that we do not. They understand things about universal mechanics that we do not. They use this knowledge to manipulate us because they understand us in ways that we do not understand ourselves. They can see patterns that we do not because their records reveal the patterns to them. Now, the truth does not belong to them. It is available to all who seek it. but they have devised ways to keep us from discovering the patterns to see the truth. To do this they have given mankind an alternative book of record with information contained in it that is contrary to reality itself. Of course these are the religious text filled with mythology and mysticism. Filling our minds with this will cause us to not see reality or truth while looking directly at them. Now, after contemplating this, consider the Rothschild family and their incredible control over events taking place the world. How could they position themselves in such a way? They have done it in an organized way, with a singular focus over many generations, while everyone else remained scattered. Division of the people is the most crucial element of their power and they will not be removed as long as we need to rely on words to learn. For them, because of their extensive records which probably date back to even before the Great Library of Alexandria, life itself is like a single groundhog day. Because they know the truth about the past, they can see all of the patterns in the present and they use this knowledge to accurately predict and shape the future in their favor. As compared to them we are like sheep... Like cattle, because we are blind and cant see a damned thing. I have been trying really hard to see more for many years and I am quite happy with my results, but I dont think I will be able to achieve as much as I would need to because it all takes time and... I simply do not have enough. https://youtube/watch?v=6VF5P7qLaEQ
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 22:11:06 +0000

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