Here is how you can give your career an edge by using social - TopicsExpress


Here is how you can give your career an edge by using social media - wisely and discreetly By Nishchae Suri Stand out! Today, creating a personal brand is neither novel nor an option for executives who want to align ‘who they are with ‘what they do and ‘how they do it. In the new world of work – where one is only as good as ones previous role – the personal brand is a widely accepted currency. It is the anchor you need in your career to excel. The rapid growth and popularity of online social networking have made personal branding accessible and touched all aspects of our lives. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites have made personal branding ubiquitous. Amidst all these fascinating changes, a new breed of worker is emerging – one who feels energised and empowered by the power of the Internet. The new breed is empowered with confidence, drive and the full potential of modern technology – including creating a powerful brand to define oneself as a working professional. Your current employer or prospective one is looking for your personal story, your online portfolio (applicable particularly to creative fields) and your enthusiasm. If on your resume you have listed ‘adventure sports as a passion, then photographs and blogs, that demonstrate the same, should reinforce your story. Also, watch out for profanities and strong religious sentiments on status messages and tweets – those could jeopardise your chances of success. Networking blunders that can be kept at bay: *.Never ask for an internship opportunity without introducing yourself on social media; *.Refrain from WhatsApp conversations with your prospective employer; *.Do not position yourself as superior to your manager or coworkers; *.Excessive self promotion – too much self-promotion could alienate potential colleagues and allies. As social media and networks expand and competition heightens – maintaining your personal brand will become the cornerstone of success. It is equally important for the candidate to be informed while making choices about the employer. Top recruiters use advanced social CRM tools to integrate your social presence across networks. Such tools allow recruiters to organise emails, links, attachments, blog posts, status messages and tweets – all in one place, and thats perfectly legal. Over time, social media will change how HR recruits. It would be less about ‘applying for jobs and more about employers finding you.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 05:57:58 +0000

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