Here is my Sunday Op-Ed. Agree or disagree if you like. I will - TopicsExpress


Here is my Sunday Op-Ed. Agree or disagree if you like. I will only present the facts and not what the fear-mongering, ratings/click revenue driven news wants you to hear/see. I keep hearing and seeing this 50-70% (sometimes 90%) mortality rate concerning Ebola. Those numbers are absolutely in the ball park; if your ball park is in AFRICA. On the continent of Africa, access to the types of health care we take for granted every day, does not exist. They have hospitals but they are nothing like the giant shiny, gleaming buildings crammed with medical tools and beds that we see here in the U.S. They have doctors, but not many. In Liberia, for instance, they have 0.014 doctors for every 1000 people. Just 60 doctors for a population of just under 5 million. In the United States, we have 2.54 doctors for every 1000 people. We have 769,300 doctors for a country with 314 million. That number sounds like they have a lot of patients? Each US doctor would average just around 400 patients. Liberian doctors: 83,000. And its like that in nearly all of Africa, especially in those countries where Ebola has hit. (stats: ) In the US, a handful of people have been actually infected. Only one of them has actually died and that was due to the hospital not providing immediate care (they sent him home for five days AFTER hed already started showing symptoms). Every single one of those that became infected and received proper, *immediate* care, has survived. In 2010, as an example, influenza killed more than 54,000 people in the United States. And there ARE vaccines! In that one year, the common flu killed more people than Ebola ever has since it was discovered more than 40 years ago. And the flu kills in those numbers EVERY single year. The news would have you believe that a single woman, who has already tested negative TWICE, is a threat to the entire population of the United States. And of course, this being election season, the politicians want YOU to know that they have only YOUR safety in mind; by illegally trampling on this womans Constitutional rights. Shes not a criminal. Not a terrorist. Not the Devil in disguise. Shes a nurse who went to HELP other people. She followed all the protocols and she tested negative, twice. Yet she when a state government decides that theyre going to CREATE a juicy talking point for the elections (bet they use it in 2016 too), everyone is up in arms over her refusal. You are statistically more likely to die in a car accident involving a texting teenager than you are from catching Ebola. In fact, there are a bunch of things you are more likely to die from instead of Ebola. In the end, it comes down to whether you want to live your life in constant fear or put your faith (if you have it) in Gods hands. The news media always has a far less than altruist motivation for the way they present the news. The Ebola fear mongering has gotten too far out of hand. Everything you see on the news appears to be a dog and pony show for the politicians and the investors [in the news conglomerates].
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 14:26:33 +0000

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