Here is my dismissal papers from the hospital instructions. - TopicsExpress


Here is my dismissal papers from the hospital instructions. Restrict Activity - No heavy lifting until seen by surgeon. My translation, I just had 2/3rds of my lung removed, yes it was a serious Operation. I am 50 years old. I understand what the Dr. Told me, as stated above. Yes I am to walk, but no I am not to do marathons or walk two miles around the track. What the Dr. meant was to not lay around without moving, get up walk. I have a breathing machine, Once an hour I am to do 10 reps on the machine. I am doing these things. Car rides are not good for me, there are bumps no matter how smooth the road. Drama is not good for me yet I cant seem to escape it because of how others feel I should be doing. Yes I understand you want me well and it hurts my heart for you to think that I dont want to be well, which is exactly what you must think when you told me today I wasnt doing a lot since I didnt go to church. I know you are doing these things because you love me and you dont realize how stressful it is for me to have to answer to you daily. I write this to someone who will never see it and not to hurt her but she tells me to write so I am writing, plus for anyone else who thinks that after 4 days of a major surgery I should be out and about I just need you to know I am alright. With the help of God I got this, but I will not feel guilty or upset or that I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing based on your feelings of my supposed activities. It bothers me that we live in a world where everyone plays dr or feels they know a person better than the person knows themselves. For crying out loud live life, love me til I am well and keep your personal opinions of how my recovery should go to yourselves. Having said that the best thing anyone can do for me is rejoice they got all the cancer and keep me in your prayers. I have well qualified people (qualified from God) in my life who can and will take care of things until I can return and I Praise God for that. Yes I do feel better after writing, thanks for that suggestion.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 21:37:36 +0000

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