Here is my go to cleanse/detox. You can make it yourself, but it - TopicsExpress


Here is my go to cleanse/detox. You can make it yourself, but it is less sticky and messy if you buy the powder. -Cayenne Pepper -Lemon Juice -Maple Syrup (not Mrs. Butterworth, you need real organic maple syrup) You can do this cleanse for as few as 3 days and/or as much as 30 days. It tends to get a little spicy for me so I alternate the drink with a glass of water throughout my day. Its is very important when doing a detox/cleanse, when you are done you should slowly introduce foods back into your body. Start with raw fruits and vegetables for a day or two, then you can introduce me at and other foods. Why detox?? A detox will reset your body and get all the bad stuff out. Some people react differently to cleanses. Some ppl spend a lot of time in the bathroom, where others have a bad headache or feel real crummy. Its normal to not feel your best, because your body is getting rid of all the toxins stored up in your body. We tend to eat food that is not considered real food, a lot of the food we eat is processed and full of preservatives and artificial sweeteners. Out bodies dont know how to properly handle all those things. A detox will help you get a fresh start and get you on the right track to eating right!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 01:12:16 +0000

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