Here is my last word in a discussion of the Middle East with two - TopicsExpress


Here is my last word in a discussion of the Middle East with two of my best FB friends, one of whom suggested that rockets fired into Israel would equate to rockets fired into the US from Mexican cartels. I respectfully must disagree with you -- what you both are doing is echoing variations on the US/Israeli/Israeli-Zionist/Christian fundamentalist-Zionist party-line, i.e., Israel is the good guy who can do no wrong & the non-Zionist Jews & Palestinians are the evil bad guys who always do wrong. Hamas, etc. has no military bases -- the difference in fire-power is about like firecrackers & sling-shots versus nukes, in terms of casualties and property destruction. And there is no way to equate Mexican cartels firing rockets into the US with the Middle East -- the US has not, over the last 70 years or so, displaced hundreds of thousands of Mexicans, invaded and occupied vast areas turning them into vast open-air apartheid concentration camps where the Mexicans have no rights whatsoever; we have not bull-dozed their homes with US made militarized bulldozers in order to expand endlessly, illegal settlements thus permanently enlarging our ownership of stolen land. We have not established check-points, walls of separation, etc. with the end goal being the establishment of US dominance of Mexico, where white Americans will rule & keep all the goodies like clean water, green lawns, swimming pools, etc. leaving the Mexicans with at best, if they survived at all, second-class at best to no citizenship at worst. I would simply suggest stepping back, looking at the whole situation objectively -- which side has all the wealth, fire-power, political power, and voice -- and which side has nothing but fear, deprivation, oppression, with no voice? Remember The Golden Rule? Imagine you are a Palestinian youth, having grown-up, if youve been so lucky, under the Zionist boot-heel -- how would you feel if your mother or sister died as medical care was fatally delayed at a check-point? And thats only one of scores, if not hundreds, of manifestations of cruel, racist oppression that the Palestinians face all day, every day.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 10:54:03 +0000

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