Here is my latest Hay House book review. Awesome book for those - TopicsExpress


Here is my latest Hay House book review. Awesome book for those interested in being more assertive! For more inspiring stories, remember to visit cloriskylie. The greatest teachers in your life are those people who know how to push your buttons; those whose words or actions can bring you incredible joy or incredible sorrow. One of my greatest teachers complained that my “problem” is that I was “too nice.” Another teacher asked me if I ever got tired of “playing Mother Theresa.” Knowing that these people are supposed to be teaching me something (besides how to react to criticism,) I asked myself, “Am I really too nice?” So, when I came across Assertiveness for Earth Angels-How to be Loving Instead of Too Nice, by Doreen Virtue, I jumped at the opportunity to read it. Doreen Virtue’s unique approach to assertiveness captivated my attention from the first to the last page of the book. Even though I have different beliefs from Ms. Virtue’s when it comes to the angelic realm, her words made me realize that being assertive doesn’t mean being mean-spirited or aggressive. I learned that it’s possible to be nice, loving, and assertive simultaneously. Assertiveness is about openly communicating our feelings and establishing boundaries without guilt or fear. As Ms. Virtue says, “Whenever we avoid conflict by keeping our feelings to ourselves, we do ourselves and others a disservice. This is a form of dishonesty and manipulation. We’re trying to control the other person’s reactions by controlling what we tell them.” Assertiveness for Earth Angels outlines behaviors that characterize the “Earth Angel” profile, which matches the “Sensitive Person” profile I’ve read in other books. Highly sensitive people tend to struggle with assertiveness because of their ability to perceive other people’s emotions based on subtle clues. No one wants to be disliked or to hurt others, so the highly sensitive person (Earth Angel, in Ms. Virtue’s book) will change his or her words and behaviors when he or she perceives a hint of animosity in other people. The book is a great tool for those who are highly sensitive, but also for people who wish to improve their communication skills. Ms. Virtue covers the basics of how to stand up for ourselves, but also detailed information on how to develop assertiveness in close relationships and out in the world. One of the most powerful gifts in this book is the clear advice on how to remain assertive when dealing with various personality types. Especially interesting to me was how to deal with the “Martyrs,” those perpetual victims and complainers who reject suggestions and advice. Assertiveness for Earth Angels helped me become aware of how some of my behaviors were impacting my self-care. Because in the end, assertiveness is a way to love ourselves. As Doreen Virtue cleverly expresses, “The day that you no longer need other’s approval is the day you have true freedom. Be real with people, and they’ll respect you more…and most important, you’ll respect yourself more.” Kudos to Doreen Virtue for this uplifting Hay House book!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 01:08:23 +0000

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