Here is my latest letter to congress. Dear Mr. Speaker How is that - TopicsExpress


Here is my latest letter to congress. Dear Mr. Speaker How is that you have allowed the house that is supposed to represent and do the work of the people to slip into what is really no more than school yard pissing contest. I have been a lifelong Republican and until the last 5 years been very proud to show my loyalty, by placing bumper stickers, writing letters to the editor ,as well as giving contributions from my very meager pension check to help elect republican candidates here in Washington State. By your inactions as well as those of tea party who have totally embarrassed not only myself but many others. Who have always considered themselves as republicans! We now have stripped off our bumper stickers, and no longer will contribute to the party of our grand fathers and fathers. To be blunt you and your fellow congressional members are an embarrassment to the American people. You have reduced the intuition that once served as a symbol of pride that we proudly could point to and tell our children this is where men and woman of principal do to the people’s business. Now I tell my sons, my nephews and nieces that this is what happens when people who we elected have lost sight of why they were sent to Washington D.C. in the first place. I would also like to point out that the health care reform act was first proposed by the Republican party in 1970, 1980, and in the 1990’s, those of us who have paid attention the going’s on in the capital know that what is nothing more than spite because you did not get your way, what is it because you are not getting enough money from the lobbyist that own you, so you and your fellows members are looking to this as a way to get even more fund into your war chests. Look we the regular citizens all know that every member of the Congress, and Senate are bought and paid for by the large corporations. We know that you know this as well! All we ask is for you and your fellow members to not hurt us to much in course of doing the work of the American people. In short do your jobs, lead or get the hell out of the way. As speaker of the house get the tea party members in line or work with the democrats to pass a real budget. Health care reform is needed, the country needs a real budget in order to save us money and not cause the economy to come to a crashing halt. Now get your butt in gear and get to work.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 07:02:53 +0000

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