Here is my letter to President Barack Obama, Rep. Stockman, Sen - TopicsExpress


Here is my letter to President Barack Obama, Rep. Stockman, Sen Cornyn and Cruz July 31, 2014 Dear President Obama: Dear Representative Stockman: Dear Senator Cornyn: Dear Senator Cruz: I write to you to express my deepest concern about the on going war in Israel and Gaza. As your constituent I am extremely disappointed in your continued lack of concern for humanity. I urge you to tell the truth as it is. There is no need to pretend. The news is clear. Israel started this war. Hamas did not kidnap the three teenagers. Gazans should not have to be punished for this. This is definitely not what we are standing for as Americans. While you say that Israel has a right to defend itself, does Hamas not have a right to defend its infants and women? You say that no country has to endure thousands of rockets raining down on it. True. I condemn it. But no country has to endure burying its babies. You say that Hamas wants Israel to wiped off this planet and refuses to recognize its legitimacy. Israel doesnt recognize Gazan polls and elections that brought Hamas into power. Israel doesnt recognize Palestinian rights to their own land. I am not defending Hamas political ideology. But do you want another ISIS in Gaza? What double standards are these? You say that Israel does not occupy Gaza. But since when did Palestine become two different states? Did you think that all Gazans are from Gaza? There were forced into that open air prison, very much like the American Indian reservations, but much worse. Doesnt Israel occupy West Bank? So long as Israel doesnt allow food and aid and continues its blockade, did you expect Hamas to simply bend over? Until you rigorously hold Israel to the same standards that you hold Palestinians to, you will continue to see USAs international power decline. You will see more countries despise this nation. You will see more people gravitate back to extremism. I urge you to respect the constituents you represent. You were elected to represent our views. Did you have a town hall? Did you sit down and really poll what your constituents think? Have all the letters and calls urging you to rethink your position gone unnoticed? Have you ordered your office staff to be patient and simply ignore the letters? Have special interest groups threatened to derail your political career? Perhaps they have dirt on you? While you ponder over what dirt these groups have on you, dont forget the dirt being tossed onto the Palestinian corpses as they are being buried. One day, we all will go back to our Lord and we will be questioned. And should you fail to care for what your constituents think, not only will you be remembered as a war crime enabler, but a participant as well. You might ask how. Your support of more ammunition to Israel - 3 billion dollars - when this country desperately needs economic growth and support is completely unacceptable. Should you continue your relentless support of barbarism, the Muslim voting block will be relentless in pursuing peaceful, law abiding and tireless efforts in supporting your ousting from office, BDS, as well as public awareness of your positions. This is not a threat. Its just business. Just like Israel has a right to defend itself, we as Americans have a right to defend our voice in dictating where our tax dollars are going. We have a right to vote you out when we see fit. We have a right to support you if you represent our views. At this moment, you do not represent my views, nor the values of this countrys founding fathers. I call on you in the blessed name of God to do what is right and not waver in your God given conscience. Sincerely, Mr. A.R. Chao
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 02:12:56 +0000

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