Here is my letter to the FEC at [email protected] Lynne A. - TopicsExpress


Here is my letter to the FEC at [email protected] Lynne A. McFarland Inspector General Federal Election Commission I exchanged several letters with you in 2013, and Myron McClees at the Virginia State Board of Elections, regarding the EDGE voting machine that is used in Virginia elections. You passed me off to Mr. McClees, obviously having no concern as to the possibility of voter fraud around the nation. I explained how, during the 2013 Governor’s race, the EDGE voting machine changed my husband’s vote from the Republican candidate to the Democratic candidate three times. When this was reported to the “powers at be,” we were told it was a calibration problem. We heard from many others at the election location that they had experiencing the same issue. Mr. McClees responded in part, by saying, After speaking with our in-house voting machine specialist, I have been informed that the EDGE voting machine can be fully recalibrated without opening the machine, and thus it is unlikely that a machine would be rendered inoperable on election day due to this issue. An officer of election is able to swipe an administrator card and recalibrate the machine in full view of all voters and party representatives. Recalibration of a touch screen in no way affects the votes that were cast, or the content of the ballot that is displayed. Multiple electronic devices require calibration of their screen, but voting machines might require a recalibration due to jostling during transportation , which can affect the sensors. All direct recording electronic voting machines (DREs) are required to display a summary screen prior to the voter casting their ballot, which gives voters the opportunity to correct errors.No locality is able to purchase new DREs in the Commonwealth of Virginia. However, localities are able to use their current machines through their useful life.” I am appalled at the reports that are being aired in Maryland and around the Nation regarding this very same issue. There was also testimony in 2011 that a programmer was hired to “fix” the voting machines to flip results from 49% to 51% towards the candidate of their choice. Voter fraud, regardless of claims by Democrats, is alive and well in our nation today. With reports of dead people voting, illegals casting votes, double registrations, and machine calibration issues, we as taxpayers and citizens of the United States are supposed to be calmed because the “ powers at be, tell us everything is fine. I do not believe that the past National elections nor the 2013 Virginia Governor’s race was on the “up and up.” But as a taxpayer, I evidently have no voice. I want to know what Virginia is doing about the calibration issues for the upcoming election and how you are determining that illegals will not be voting. Why, if the only way to validate the votes cast is a paper backup, is Virginia and other states not using it? If these machines are not dependable or accurate, I have no doubt that the citizens of this country or the state of Virginia would have no objection to spending taxpayer dollars to ensure we use a new and valid method protecting the validity of our votes, and that only U.S. citizens are allowed to cast a vote. God knows our government wastes more money then we can even count. Putting our hard earned tax dollars towards something that ensures our choice in the leaders of our country, should trump all other expenditures. I am so disappointed and frustrated that, “we the people,” have NO voice in the media, and are now losing our voice in the voting booth. Something needs to be done to restore the faith of the American people in our government and our election process. Sick of the deception, Leigh Bravo
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:00:05 +0000

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