Here is my new anti-CoBhApSwaRa-worker policy in making new - TopicsExpress


Here is my new anti-CoBhApSwaRa-worker policy in making new political associates on and outside FB. . 1. If the person is already my colleague, he stays . 2. But if he is new associate, and he happens to be supporter of CoBhApSwaRa , and/or has attended their meeting in past 3 months in their uniform as supporter, then I wont take him as my colleague. I wont waste my time in interacting with him. Please note --- atending meeting is fine. But attending meeting in their uniform or as supporter is NOT fine. . 3. If he officially resigns from CoBhApSwaRa-membership , or promises not to attend their meetings in their uniform as supporter . 4. I am supporter of Swami Ramdevji. But form today onwards, I OFFICIALLY hate every BST-worker. These BST-workers are slogan shouters and useless people. The biggest damage done to Swadeshi movement stared by Dixitjee in 1991 has come from BST-workers. The biggest benefit to MNC-owners has come from BST-workers. And let me restate , so that there is no confusion. I OFFICIALLY hate all BST-workers. They just cause noise pollution by shouting slogans and doing nothing else. . 5. Those are selling Swadeshi products are welcome. There is NO harm in any good business. All good business are welcome. But those who pose product selling as Swadeshi are wasting everyones time. . It is better to sit idle and do nothing, but it is damages India by associating people who are deliberately wasting time. And CoBhApSwaRa-workers are DELIBERATELY wasting time on FDI issue. So please just stay away from them, unless you are already a friend of them.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 03:20:03 +0000

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