Here is my official statement to AAU. Its being read, as we speak. - TopicsExpress


Here is my official statement to AAU. Its being read, as we speak. Grievance Information: Myself, and many others like me, were told upon matriculation to AAU that we would be given the software bundle “Adobe Master Collection CS6”. This was promised to us in writing, in advertising, and verbally confirmed by members of staff. There was no written or spoken language that suggested this software was temporarily loaned, or would ever be forcibly revoked. It was stated, that the software would be ours to own, and upon registration we would become the legal users stated in the licensing agreement. There was no mention in any documentation that this software was term limited, based on enrollment status, or any other such contingency. We were told it was fully ours, to use as we learned our craft, and began working in our chosen fields. Over approximately the last two months it has come to my attention that CS6 registrations, and licensing agreements, have been revoked at various intervals. I have yet to meet anyone who was allowed to utilize the software for any logical date range, and that’s important, because it speaks to the arbitrary nature of these licensing revocations. My software was taken from me after 1 year, 9 months, and 6 days. Adobe has told me, in writing, that there is no mention of an expiration date within my licensing agreement. They have expressed that AAU was responsible for removing my property, and subsequently my ability to earn a living. Alternatively, AAU has claimed that they had “no prior warning” that my license would be revoked, laying the blame at Adobe’s feet. I have a very hard time believing that, given your public advertising for Creative Cloud, and well documented association with Adobe, neither corporation was aware of this well executed plan to disable this tool for thousands of people across the country (and indeed around the world). The truth is, you both profit from forcing us into the Cloud. The stock answer I received from the help desk at AAU, was disturbing. I was told (via a pre-written statement) “There are no options for alumni, or current students, except to upgrade to Creative Cloud.” Tuition continues to elevate, and now students are paying out of pocket for the tools they need to complete the very education you are promising them. That saves AAU many millions of dollars, annually, while forcing students to struggle even more to make ends meet. Fundamentally, I realize that AAU and Adobe are working together on this deal, which profits you both, as the expense of an at-risk demographic of people. You broke the contract you made with your student body, past, and present. You repossessed my property illegally, and you didn’t so much as give us notice that our ability to feed our families would be impinged. Therefore, no one had any warning time to make arrangements, or gather funds, to replace their stolen goods. You have disrupted many lives, ungraciously. The maneuvers set forth by Adobe and AAU have impacted people more than you could ever imagine. I have even heard of a young woman who was forced to send her CHILD to live with a grandparent, as a result of the financial loss she suffered at your hand. It was, as they say, “the straw that broke the camels back.” I cannot rest, until that is rectified, and her ability to provide a life for herself is restored. You stripped her, as you did me, of that opportunity – without warning. There has been no public support for students. Likewise, I have been told by several members of your staff, that you have also elected to eliminate software from teachers as well. Those teachers are now less engaged in their jobs, affecting students even further. There is a massive trickle-down affect to these money-grubbing tactics. The wealth gap spreads as you line your pockets, and the students who support you, are hurting as a result. My proposed outcome is as follows: You must work with Adobe to reinstate perpetual CS6 licenses to all victims of this crime. Any other solution is not the correct action. It is very simple. Right this wrong, and end the needless stress for thousands of people who have been affected by your greed – myself included. Each day that passes is another sleepless night for many, another day fraught with concern, and yet more pensive consideration for how we all may survive in an already challenging environment such as San Francisco. I look forward to working with you in this effort. You should be aware that legal counsel is being arranged on behalf of the affected, and the public perception of AAU suffers greatly with your silence. Sincerely, Sarah Ryan
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:27:12 +0000

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