Here is my one and only pregnant rant I will post. Please note - TopicsExpress


Here is my one and only pregnant rant I will post. Please note that I am incredibly excited to be a Mom and I do honestly think that the journey of becoming mother is an amazing thing. Go Moms who have survived and know exactly what im talking about and to the rest of you- have a good laugh. :) **Viewer Discretion Is Advised** 5 Things Only Pregnant Chics Will Understand: 1. Hormones- Lets be real…they are all over the flipping place…one second youre happy dancing about becoming the best Mom ever and the next youre bawling your eyes out trying to get your mind wrapped around the fact that your pregnancy is not an eternal pit of despair. 2. Body Image- ok, so for me Im going on 35 weeks and I now realise the body I had before (that I thought was average built in which I complained about every so often) was actually super model status compared to this big blob of grossness I see in the mirror everyday…and dont even get me started on trying on clothes for the day- that in itself is a nightmare. 3. Daily Diet- If you dont constantly eat though out the day you will feel like death- not to mention when your craving certain things you want it NOW- not in a couple hours, not later that evening…like within the next 10 mins or the lack of being satisfied by this miraculously random fix will result in a meltdown. Also all the best foods are a no-no during pregnancy- Oh Jimmy Johns my love I will return to you my darling (no lunch meat soap opera thats been playing in my head since conception) 4. Social Life- Get use to being a bit isolated with basically you and your little bun in the oven most days. As you will feel like too much social interaction will wear you the heck out. And most of the time your in the mood to be horizontal in an arctic wonderland somewhere Pinteresting baby ideas (that most likely will never happen but hey its easing your mind so it seems as if youre doing something productive) and Googling all the weird questions that quick frankly are too odd to be asking any of your friends or family and may creep them the heck out about even considering having children. 5. The Guilt Trip- This may just be my thing but i think if were all being completely honest with ourselves making a kid is the most emotionally and physically terrifying, exhausting but worthy thing any woman could do. Constant aches and pains, difficulty sleeping, and just plain psycho mood swings that arent even you, really, take over your mind and your entire life for 9 months strait. With that being said if anyone has anything to say about a hard work day or a headache or they fell down a flight of steps…its almost laughable to try and be sensitive about their situation. Every time I hear a sympathy call I instantly think to myself or say out loud (without filter) Ya? Well thats nothing compared to what Im dealing with. Which in most cases is totally TRUE! I applaud all woman who have endured pregnancy and the people they have encountered who were patient with them through the process- that is truly beautiful. God bless you all! Oh and happy rest of the pregnancy to all you mommy and Daddys to be- remember grace grace grace is the key and strength that only comes from the Father to march on through this adventure. Its one of the greatest gifts God has ever given, besides Jesus of course :)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:26:02 +0000

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